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This guide will lead you through the process of downloading, installing, and setting up Endnote on your computer.

Attach Files to a Reference

1. Open EndNote. To use this guide you must have added at least one reference.

Main Page View


2. Highlight the reference you want to attach a file to by left-clicking once on the reference.




3. On the Menu bar click on "References" then select "File Attachments" and "Attach File. . ."


Menu Select


4. Navigate to the folder on your computer that contains the file you want to attach.


File Explorer


5. Select the file you want to attach and then click "Open"




6. When the file has been successfully attached, a paperclip will appear to the left of the author.



7. To remove the attached file, double click on the reference. Scroll down the page until the section "File Attachments" is visible. You should see your file listed here. Click on the file once to highlight it. On your keyboard press the "Delete" key once (Note: NOT the "Backspace" key).



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