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This guide will lead you through the process of downloading, installing, and setting up Endnote on your computer.

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Call 1-800-336-4474 
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Endnote Training

If you would like a class for your department or group, please contact Danielle De Jager-Loftus ( (x5123) for information about special training sessions.

Mac - EndNote Toolbar Does Not Show in Word

On the Mac, EndNote has a toolbar that is added. It'll look similar to the image shown below.

If it not showing up, it is easy to make appear, following instructions shown below:

  1. Click on the View menu.
  2. Cursor over Toolbars.
  3. Click on EndNote X8 from dropdown.

Windows - EndNote Ribbon Does Not Show in Word

In Word 2007, click on the Microsoft Office Button 

In Word 2010 or later, click on the File ribbon 

In Word 2007, click on Word Options

In Word 2010 or later, click on Options

Click Add-Ins

Look for EndNote Cite While You Write in the Inactive list

Make sure COM Add-ins is showing in the Manage box and click Go

Make sure there is a checkmark in the box next to EndNote Cite While You Write and click OK

You should now see the EndNote ribbon in Word.

If that did not work, try the following steps to configure EndNote's Add-in.

  1. Browse to the EndNote X8 Program Files folder:

    64-bit Machines: C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote X8\
    32-bit Machines: C:\Program Files\EndNote X8\
  2. Run the "Configure EndNote.exe" utility.
  3. Make sure "Configure EndNote components" is selected and click Next.
  4. Select Cite While You Write add-in for Microsoft Office and click Next.
  5. Click Finish.

    Note: The message may read that the Configuration was cancelled.
  6. Open Microsoft Word and look for the EndNote X8 tools in the ribbon.

Mac - Records don't come into EndNote from the databases

The problem is the Safari browser which does not allow records to be imported directly. You can try using Firefox ( or Chrome instead of Safari.

To import files saved by Safari:

  • Go to the File menu
  • Click on Import
  • Under Import Options choose Reference manager (RIS)
  • Choose the file Safari saved
  • Click Import

That should import the records into EndNote.

Session Evaluation

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