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USD Information Literacy Lessons: Page 4

The broad focus of these lessons is understanding sources of information, including examples that can help you learn how to access information sources at USD. Each lesson is dedicated to a specific element of information competency.

Overview of Internet Use


There are 2,000,000 new Internet users in the U.S. every month.


  • August 2000: 116.5 million (44.5% of the population)
  • September 2001: 143 million (53.9 % of the population)
  • Lower-income individuals increased by 25%, higher-income individuals by 11%
    Young adults (age 18-24) with more education use the Internet more.
  • Attending school/college: 85%
  • Not in school: 51.5%
    Source: A Nation Online: How Americans Are Expanding Their Use of the Internet. Telecommunications and Information Administration. Feb. 2002. 2 Mar. 2002.

E-mail and web searching are the most common uses of the Internet at home.

Of children using the Internet at home…

  • 73% use e-mail
  • 68% do research on the Web

Of adults using the Internet at home…

  • 88% use e-mail
  • 64% do research on the Web
    The Internet is a major source of news and other information
  • 1 in 5 adults use the Internet at home to check on news, weather, or sports
  • 1 in 4 adults use the Internet at home to find information on business, health practices, or government services

Source: U.S. Census Bureau. Home Computers and Internet Use in the United States: August 2000. Washington, DC: U.S. Census Bureau, 2001.



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