A comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy maintained by the North American philosophy community. Monitors all sources of research content in philosophy, including journals, books, open access archives, and personal pages maintained by academics. Through a partnership with the Philosophy Documentation Center, also hosts the largest open access archive in philosophy.
Sources dealing with the philosophy of a discipline, such as philosophy of science, can also be found in the science databases.
900 journals in the Library of the British Museum Department of Ethnography, now known as the Anthropology Library, which incorporates the former Royal Anthropological Institute library.
Citation database of journal articles, books and dissertations; coverage dating back to 1963. Coverage is international and subjects include literature, language and linguistics, folklore, literary theory & criticism, dramatic arts, as well as the historical aspects of printing and publishing.
SEARCH TIP: Open the drop down menu on the right hand search box and select “TX All Text” if you are searching for a key word or “MW Main Word in Subject Heading” if you are using a CINAHL Subject heading term as part of your search.
SEARCH TIP: Click on the “CINAHL Headings” tab on the toolbar at the top of the page to search for CINAHL subject terms.
SEARCH TIP: Open the drop down menu on the right hand search box and select “TX All Text” if you are searching for a key word or “SU Subject” if you are using a subject term as part of your search.
SEARCH TIP: Click on the “Subject Term” tab on the toolbar at the top of the page to search for subject terms.
MEDLINE provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and more. Use this database for in-depth medical information .
SEARCH TIP: Open the drop down menu on the right hand search box and select “TX All Text” if you are searching for a key word or “SU Subject” if you are using a subject term as part of your search.
SEARCH TIP: Click on the “MeSH” tab on the toolbar at the top of the page to search for subject terms. MeSH stands for Medical Subject Headings and are specialized subject terms for the medical field.
PubMed provides articles and research papers on all topics of medicine. This database is useful if you want to know in-depth medical research. PubMed provides citations but may not provide full text access.
SEARCH TIP: Open the drop down menu on the right hand search box and select “TX All Text” if you are searching for a key word or “SU Subject” if you are using a subject term as part of your search.
SEARCH TIP: Click on the “Subject Term” tab on the toolbar at the top of the page to search for subject terms.
Comprehensive bibliographic database about sports, including: physiology, kinesiology, physical therapy, nutrition, coaching, management, education, leisure studies, and tourism, among others. Contains journal articles and monographs as well as dissertations and theses, magazine articles, books, conference proceedings, and more.
SEARCH TIP: Open the drop down menu on the right hand search box and select “TX All Text” if you are searching for a key word or “SU Subject” if you are using a subject term as part of your search.
SEARCH TIP: Click on the “Thesaurus” tab at the top of the database toolbar to search for subject terms.
Provides access to full-text science-oriented content. Contains full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals and other sources. Topics covered include biology, chemistry, earth & space science, environmental science, health & medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science & society, science as inquiry, scientists, technology and wildlife.
U.S. government information resources of interest to mathematical science. The list consists of selected authoritative science Web sites and databases of technical reports, journal articles, conference proceedings and other published materials.
See also Environment, at the bottom of the right column
SEARCH TIP: Open the drop down menu on the right hand search box and select “TX All Text” if you are searching for a key word or “SU Subject Terms” if you are using a subject term as part of your search.
SEARCH TIP: Click on the “Thesaurus” tab at the top of the database toolbar to search for subject terms.
A collection of digital texts and images, including books, manuscripts, photographs, and film created from the collections of the U.S. Library of Congress
Contains full text articles from 60+ journals published by the American Psychological Association. This is a good starting point for information involving psychology but should not be the only psych database you search.
SEARCH TIP: Open the drop down menu on the right hand search box and select “TX All Text” if you are searching for a key word or “SU Subject” if you are using a subject term as part of your search.
SEARCH TIP: Click on the “Thesaurus” tab on the toolbar at the top of the page to search for subject terms.
SEARCH TIP: Open the drop down menu on the right hand search box and select “TX All Text” if you are searching for a key word or “SU Subject” if you are using a subject term as part of your search.
SEARCH TIP: Click on the “Thesaurus” tab on the toolbar at the top of the page to search for subject terms.
Full text plus expert indexing of the most important legal journals and books. Users will appreciate international coverage and access to scholarly articles, symposia, jurisdictional surveys, court decisions, legislation, books, book reviews, and more. This is an excellent resource for attorneys, educators, business people, law librarians, students, paralegals, and others involved with the law.
SEARCH TIP: Open the drop down menu on the right hand search box and select “TX All Text” if you are searching for a key word or “SU Subject” if you are using a subject term as part of your search.
SEARCH TIP: Click on the “Thesaurus” tab on the toolbar at the top of the page to search for subject terms.
NOTE: The ERIC database is currently undergoing updates such that no full text articles are available at the present time. . ERIC stands for the Educational Resource Information Center which is a government sponsored database of articles and papers on all facets of education. Most of these results are available in full text.
SEARCH TIP: Open the drop down menu on the right hand search box and select “TX All Text” if you are searching for a key word or “SU Subject” if you are using a subject term as part of your search.
SEARCH TIP: Click on the “Thesaurus” tab on the toolbar at the top of the page to search for subject terms.
Historical newspaper indexes from the following: Deadwood/Black Hills (1877-1900), Indian Country Today (1991-2003), Rapid City Journal (1999-2005), SDSU Collegian Index (1970-2000), and Sioux Falls Argus-Leader (1979-2003).
This database provides citations and abstracts for articles from over 600 periodicals, as well as USDA and state experiment station and extension publications, and selected books on agriculture, animal husbandry, animal and human nutrition, forestry, plant pathology, plant science, human ecology, agricultural economics, and rural sociology.
Energy Citations contains bibliographic records for energy and energy-related information from the Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessor agencies, the Energy Research & Development Administration (ERDA) and the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC).
"Content in EPA's Web Archive is no longer being updated and links may not function; however, the materials in this archive may be useful as background documents to supplement current information or to provide a historical perspective on a topic."
This international database is a collection of wildlife management and ecology topics. Major topic areas include studies of individual species, habitat types, hunting, economics, wildlife behavior, management techniques, diseases, ecotourism, zoology, taxonomy and much more.