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Histories about the University of South Dakota

Histories about University of South Dakota

The University, along with its schools, colleges, departments, faculty, students, and alumni, has been the subject of a number of publications. See below for a list of USD histories with links to the library catalog.

USD Histories

Christol, Carl. The early history of The University of South Dakota. Vermillion, SD: The University of South Dakota, 1964. Locations: Main Collection and USD Archives, FLD5073 .C45x. Time period covered is 1861-1891. No photographs.


Clow, Richmond L. The University of South Dakota, 1967-1982. Vermillion, SD: The University of South Dakota, 1983. Locations: Reference Collection, Main Collection, and USD Archives, LD5073 .C56x. Includes photographs.


Cook, William A. "Early history of the University of South Dakota: the first quarter century, 1862-87." South Dakota Historical Collections volume 13 (1926): 181-249. Locations: Main Collection and Chilson Collection, F646 .S76 v.13. No photographs.


Cummins, Cedric. As it was in the beginning: The University of South Dakota. The fourteenth annual College of Arts and Sciences lecture on liberal education. Vermillion, SD: College of Arts and Sciences, University of South Dakota, 1966. Locations: Main Collection and USD Archives, LD5071.8 .H37 1966. Time period covered is 1861-1889. No photographs.


Cummins, Cedric. The University of South Dakota, 1862-1966. Vermillion, SD: Dakota Press, 1975. Locations: Reference Collection, Main Collection, and USD Archives, LD5073 .C85x. Includes photographs. Contains a great index.


Dow, John G. “Early history of the University, 1862-1889.” South Dakota Alumni Quarterly published in installments from volume 3, number 3 to volume 6, number 3 (1907-1910). Alumni Newsletters, Alumni Quarterly & South Dakotan Collection, box 2, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, The University of South Dakota. Also located in Main Book Collection and USD Archives Collection as LD5078.3 .D69x. No photographs. 


Grauvogl, Ann. 150 years of pride, persistence & progress: The University of South Dakota. Vermillion, SD: The USD Alumni Association, 2012. Locations: Main Collection and USD Archives, LD5073 .G72 2012. Time period covered is 1862-2012. Includes photographs.


Hanson, Sarah A. The University of South Dakota Photograph Collection: preserving our past in images, 1930-1999. Vermillion, SD: Archives and Special Collections, I.D. Weeks Library, The University of South Dakota, 2005. Locations: Main Collection and USD Archives, LD5074.5 .U54 2005. Includes photographs.


Knutson, Wayne S. “A story of faith and endurance: The University of South Dakota.” In From idea to institution: higher education in South Dakota, edited by Herbert T. Hoover et al, 13-32. Vermillion, SD: University of South Dakota Press, 1989. Locations: Main Collection and Chilson Collection, LA364.5 .F76 1989. Time period covered is 1862-1989. Five photographs of buildings.


Schell, Herbert S. “Early history of the University.” In Clay County: chapters out of the past, 167-182. Vermillion, SD: Vermillion Area Chamber of Commerce, 1985. Locations: Main Collection and Chilson Collection, F657 .C6 S36. Time period covered is 1862-1929. Includes photographs.


Stockton, Frank T. This is what we tried to do in Coyote land, 1917-1924. Vermillion, SD: University of South Dakota, 1968. Location: USD Archives, LD5073 .S76x T4. No photographs.


Additional information on The University of South Dakota can be found at

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