Alumni Association: University of South Dakota. Alumni Association. 100 Years, The University of South Dakota Alumni Association. South Bend, IN: Carleton Graphics, 1989. Location: USD Archives, LD5072.3 .U55 1989.
American Association of University Women: American Association of University Women. South Dakota Division. Actors or Spectators? : The History of the South Dakota Division of the American Association of University Women, 1917-1963. Sturgis, S.D: [s.n.], 1963. Locations: Main Collection and USD Archives, LC 1759 .A67x A2.
Archaeology Lab: McLaughlin, Rose; Hoogendoorn, Rainie; and Drapeau, Gabby, "University of South Dakota Archaeology Lab" (2020). IdeaFest. 77, (abstract only)
Art: Art in the college of Fine Arts. College of Fine Arts Collection, box 1, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, University of South Dakota.
Art: Historical overview – Art Department. College of Fine Arts Collection, box 1, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, University of South Dakota.
Arts and Sciences College: Cummins, Cedric, Robert C. Hilderbrand, and Stephen R. Ward. The College of Arts and Science, 1882-1982: a history. Vermillion, SD: College of Arts and Science, University of South Dakota, 1982. Locations: Reference Collection, Main Collection, and USD Archives, LD5079.5 .A78x C85.
Athletics: Haase, Richard T. "The history of intercollegiate football, basketball, track, and baseball at the State University of South Dakota." Master's thesis, State University of South Dakota, 1965. Locations: USD Theses & Dissertations and USD Archives, LD5071.3x .H1127.
Athletics: Jackson, Charles Walter. “The history of physical education at the State University of South Dakota.” Master's thesis, State University of South Dakota, 1962. Location: USD Archives, LD 5071.3x .J13252.
Athletics: Schell, Herbert S. “Athletic beginnings at the University.” In Clay County: chapters out of the past, 183-193. Vermillion, SD: Vermillion Area Chamber of Commerce, 1985. Locations: Main Collection and Chilson Collection, F657 .C6 S36. Includes photographs.
Athletics: Schell, Herbert S. “Gaining recognition in the world of athletics.” In Clay County: chapters out of the past, 194-206. Vermillion, SD: Vermillion Area Chamber of Commerce, 1985. Locations: Main Collection and Chilson Collection, F657 .C6 S36. Includes photographs.
Biology: Churchill, Edward P. Building Biology at SUSD (1959). Edward Perry Churchill Collection, box 1, Richardson Collection, Archives and Special Collections, University of South Dakota.
Black Hills Playhouse: Harnish, Frank, J. “The history of the Black Hills Playhouse and School of the Theatre, 1946, 1947 and 1948.” Master's thesis, University of South Dakota, 1949. Location: USD Theses & Dissertations, LD 5071.3x .H2296.
Black Hills Playhouse: The story of the Black Hills Playhouse in Custer State Park. College of Fine Arts Collection, box 1, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, University of South Dakota.
Book store: Jemson, Robert. USD book and supply store: the first eighty years, 1911-1991. Vermillion, SD: University of South Dakota, 1991. Locations: Main Collection and USD Archives, LD5075.U83 J45 1991.
Buildings and infrastructure: Tour of the University of South Dakota's historic buildings. Vermillion, SD: Clay County Historical Preservation Commission, 2010. Locations: Main Collection, Chilson Collection, and Special Books, LD 5075 .C52 2010, Copy in Special Books is a later reprint that one in main collection or Chilson Collection and has errors corrected. Time period covered is 1883-1945. Includes photographs.
Business Administration: Coolidge, Henry Pomroy. “A history of the school of business administration in the University of South Dakota 1927-1952.” Master's thesis, University of South Dakota, 1953. Location: USD Theses & Dissertations, LD 5071.3x .C7778.
Business School: Patterson, Robert F. The School of Business at the State University of South Dakota: a history of thirty years, 1927-1957. Vermillion, SD: Business Research Bureau, School of Business, State University of South Dakota, 1958. Location: South Dakota Documents, ED 375:B 874/no.57.
Dental Hygiene: “Dental Hygiene celebrates 50th anniversary.” South Dakotan volume 12 number 2, (fall/winter 2017): Alumni Newsletters, Alumni Quarterly & South Dakotan Collection, box 11, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, The University of South Dakota.
Dental Hygiene: Steil, Martha, 50 years of Dental Hygiene. Dental Hygiene Collection, box 2. USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, University of South Dakota.
Economics: Stockton, Frank T. “The evolution of Economics in the University of South Dakota.” The Alumni Quarterly volume 14 number 4 (January 1919) 99-105. Alumni Newsletters, Alumni Quarterly & South Dakotan Collection, box 2, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, The University of South Dakota. Time period covered is 1882-1918. No photographs.
Faculty Woman's Club: Bouniol, Eileen, and Muriel Bunge. A history, 1913-1983: Faculty Woman's Club of the University of South Dakota. [S.l.: s.n.],1983. Location: USD Archives, HQ 1906 .V47x B85. No photographs, but it does have drawings of women and the changing fashions.
Fine Arts College: History of the College of Fine Arts. Music Collection, USD2014.05, box 9, folder CFA, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, The University of South Dakota.
Fine Arts College: History of the College of Fine Arts. College of Fine Arts Collection, box 1, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, University of South Dakota. 1955.
Fine Arts College: The Continuing Harvest: A history of the College of Fine Arts at the University of South Dakota. College of Fine Arts Collection, box 1, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, University of South Dakota.
Foundation: Beaty, Donald W., and University of South Dakota. Alumni Faculty. A History of the University of South Dakota Endowment Association, 1922-1974. Vermillion, SD: University of South Dakota, 1976. Location: Main Collection, LD5063.5 .H57.
Foundation: “U.S.D. Endowment Association.” The Alumni Quarterly volume 18 number 1 (April 1922); 36-37. Alumni Newsletters, Alumni Quarterly & South Dakotan Collection, box 3, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, The University of South Dakota.
Geological Survey: Vanorny, Patricia M. A History of the South Dakota Geological Survey. Vermillion,SD: Science Center, University of South Dakota, 1970. Location: Chilson Collection, QE164.S8 V3.
Geology: “Historical sketch of the department of Geology.” The Alumni Quarterly volume 16 number 2 (July 1920); 70-76. Alumni Newsletters, Alumni Quarterly & South Dakotan Collection, box 3, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, The University of South Dakota.
Graduate School: Stockton, Frank T. “Development of graduate work at the University.” The Alumni Quarterly volume 15 number 4 (January 1920); 115-124. Alumni Newsletters, Alumni Quarterly & South Dakotan Collection, box 2, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, The University of South Dakota.
Home Economics: Sims, Fannie A. “The Field of Home Economics.” The Alumni Quarterly volume 18 number 1 (April 1922); 29-36. Alumni Newsletters, Alumni Quarterly & South Dakotan Collection, box 3, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, The University of South Dakota.
Honors Program: Peterson, Malachi. “Marking 50 years at USD, Honors Program continues to instill ‘fearlessness’ in students.” South Dakotan volume 12 number 2, (fall/winter 2017): 33-35. Alumni Newsletters, Alumni Quarterly & South Dakotan Collection, box 11, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, The University of South Dakota.
Institute of American Indian Studies: Bruguier, Leonard R., and White, Scott E. "The Institute of American Indian Studies: A Tradition of Scholarly Pursuit." Indigenous Nations Journal volume 2 number 1 (Spring 2001): 3-10. Time period covered is 1955-ca. 1998.
Law School: Meeks, Donald Norman. "A history of the University of South Dakota School of Law." Master's thesis, University of South Dakota, 1967. Location: USD Theses and Dissertations, LD5071.3x .M4716.
Library: Library History folder, I. D. Weeks 1893-1992 Collection, box 3, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, The University of South Dakota.
Medical School: Amundson, Loren H. An aesculapian centennial trilogy: a history of the University of South Dakota School of Medicine, 1907-1989. Sioux Falls, SD: The University of South Dakota, School of Medicine Alumni Foundation , 1989. Location: Health Science Archives, W19 AS8 U58h 1989.
Medical School: Amundson, Loren H., and Cedric Clisten Cummins. "Three score and ten: a history of the University of South Dakota school of medicine, 1907-1977." South Dakota Journal of Medicine volume XXX (April 1977): 39-50. Locations: Main Collection and USD Archives, R 747 .S62x A4.
Medical School: Grauvogl, Ann, and Danielle De Jager-Loftus. Committed to care: a century of medical education in South Dakota. Vermillion, SD: The University of South Dakota, 2007. Locations: Main Collection and USD Archives, R747 .S36 G72 2007.
Medical School: Lommen, Dean C. P. “The School of Medicine.” The Alumni Quarterly volume 17 number 3 (October 1921); 97-99. Alumni Newsletters, Alumni Quarterly & South Dakotan Collection, box 2, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, The University of South Dakota.
Medical School: Vogt, H. Bruce, William J. Dendinger, Evenlyn Schlenker, and Janet C Lindemann. "114 Years and Counting: An Updated History of the University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine." South Dakota Medicine volume 74 (May 2021): 198-209. Location: Journals & Magazines.
Oral History Center: Ward, Stephen R. “An Early Assessment of the South Dakota Oral History Project." South Dakota History.” volume 1 number 1 (Winter 1970); 73-78. Location: Journals & Magazines. No photographs.
Phi Beta Kappa: Churchill, Edward Perry. Phi Beta Kappa Alpha of South Dakota at the University of South Dakota, 1926-1972. [s.n.], 1972. Locations: Main Collection and USD Archives, LD5076.2 .P45x.
Phi Beta Kappa: Richardson, Mable. “The institution of the Alpha Chapter of South Dakota.” The Beta Kappa Key volume 6 (1926): 280-289. Student Organizations Collection, box 33, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, The University of South Dakota.
Radio and TV: Allen, Roger Byron. “A History of Radio and Television at the State University of South Dakota, 1949-1961.” Master's thesis, University of South Dakota, 1963. Location: USD Theses & Dissertations, LD 5071.3x .Al546.
Radio and TV: Dalen, Adrian Eugene. “A history of KUSD, the University of South Dakota radio station.” Master’s thesis, University of South Dakota, 1949. Location: USD Theses & Dissertations, TK6558.V5 D3.
Radio and TV: Phillips, Doug. “South Dakota adventures in ITV series.” 12th Dakota History Conference (1981): 76-81. Location: Main Collection and Chilson Collection, F 646 .D35x 1980.
ROTC: Blake, Cassie. "Instilling a sense of service." South Dakotan volume 15 number 1, (spring/summer 2022): Alumni Newsletters, Alumni Quarterly & South Dakotan Collection, box 12, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, The University of South Dakota.
Shakespeare garden: Knutson, Wayne. The Shakespeare garden at the University of South Dakota. Speech given at Shakespeare Garden Festival, October 18, 2007. English Department Collection, box 1, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, The University of South Dakota.
Sororities and fraternities: “Greek Letter Societies at South Dakota.” The Alumni Quarterly volume 17 number 3 (October 1921); 99-102. Alumni Newsletters, Alumni Quarterly & South Dakotan Collection, box 2, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, The University of South Dakota.
Sororities and fraternities: McCahren, Nancy. History of Greek life at USD. Circa 1987. Student Organizations Collection, box 35, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, University of South Dakota.
Speech: Truman, Margot. “The history of speech education in the University of South Dakota from 1882-1942.” Master’s thesis, University of South Dakota, 1947.Location: USD Theses & Dissertations, LD 5071.3x .T7715.
Theatre: Dramatic Art in the College of Fine Arts. College of Fine Arts Collection, box 1, USD Archives, Archives and Special Collections, University of South Dakota.
Theatre: Collins, Betty Jean. “The history of dramatic art at the University of South Dakota 1892-1948.” Master's thesis, University of South Dakota, 1948. Location: USD Theses & Dissertations, LD 5071.3x .C69211.