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Research in Educational Administration [EDAD 810-855]

Where's What

Articles: Use a database to search for articles indexed in that resource.

Journals: Search in Journals/E-Books to see if USD subscribes to a particular journal. 

Books or library resources other than articles and databases: Search a library catalog; from Books & More or the Advanced Search for items at USD or in the South Dakota Library Network, or search WorldCat (find under Databases) to see what USD and libraries from all over the world have.

Accessing Library Resources

Library Home Page Search

Education Resources

Here are some of the primary databases you may want to use. Other databases may be useful as well depending on your particular topic.

  What is U.Get It?

If the article you want isn't available in the database you are using. . .

**Use the "U.Get It" button available from most databases to see if you have access to the article via another resource.

**If the article is available from one of the online sources, click on the Go button beside the source you want to use.

**If your article is not available in print or via another research database, request it via the appropriate link to Interlibrary Loan.


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