Bibliography - To create a custom bibliography of references you have two choices:
Select citations from your complete library – “All References” (alt+click to select multiple citations).
Select citations from one of your groups - Click on group name to display the citations in that group.
You have now selected the items for your bibliography – Please note that there is no need to sort or do anything else to your selections at this point.
Setup - Click “Edit” in the toolbar.
Select “Export.”
Save - Select the location where you want to save the file.
Type the name for your file in the “File name” box.
Select “Rich Text Format (*.rtf)” as the “Save as type” (If you do not select this format, the bibliography will not display properly).
Select what type of style you want to use (if you want to select a different style than the default, simply click on the pulldown menu to open the output style manager to select a different citation style.).
File - Your bibliography will appear as a Word document in the location where it was saved.
Open - Double click on the icon to open your document and you should see the bibliography in your chosen style.