1. Reference -
Print materials: University Libraries, Main (Ground) floor, west side of Academic Commons
Online databases / resources: University Libraries Web Page (www.usd.edu/library)
2. Scores ("M") -
Mini-scores - 3rd floor, northeast quadrant
Full scores - immediately following the mini scores on the 3rd floor
Scores & parts - same as above (by LC call number)
Piano reductions - "
Piano-vocal scores - "
Vocal scores - "
Oversize ("M's" and "N's") - 3rd floor, west end by elevator door
3. Books about music ("ML" = "Music Literature" and "MT" = "Music Theory & Pedagogy"). 3rd floor, northeast quadrant, just after the scores.
4. Audio recordings -
Compact discs - University Libraries, Main (Ground) floor, west side of Academic Commons
Vinyl recordings - 2nd floor, southwest corner.
Streaming audio Naxos Music Library - go to Library Webpage, select Databases tab or filter by subject "Music"
5. Visual materials - University Libraries, ask for them by call number at the Circulation Desk!
Videocassettes (VHS) - University Libraries, Main (Ground) floor, west side of Academic Commons
DVDs - University Libraries, Main (Ground) floor, west side of Academic Commons
6. Online Commercial Databases/Resources - University Libraries Web Page (www.usd.edu/library), select Databases and Journals/Ebooks tabs.