The Carl Blythe Hoy Collection is composed of three series: Correspondence, Printed Materials, and Typescripts.
The largest series in the Hoy Collection is the Correspondence series. This series contains letters to Hoy written by many of his former students who were servicemen during World War II. The letters relate some details of war, but since letters from servicemen were censored, details are vague. There are a few letters that show evidence of censorship with areas blacked out or sections completely snipped out of the text. Many of the servicemen inquired about athletics at USD and if Hoy had heard from other former USD students. Letters come from around the world and represent all branches of the military. Also included in this series are letters from Elbert W. Harrington and Cedric Cummins about the publication of According to Hoy: Memoirs of an Athletic Director.
The Printed Materials series contains an issue of the Summer Session News, a publication printed by the University of South Dakota. In the issue, there is an article about Hoy’s book. Also included within the series is the Publication Materials sub-series that contains various papers concerning the publication of Hoy’s book. This sub-series provides copyright information and forms, time sheets from Evelyn Cummins (who typed Hoy’s book) and a list of people who received copies of Hoy’s book.
The Typescript series contains four versions of According to Hoy: Memoirs of an Athletic Director. There are two typed drafts, a final copy, and a working copy. The drafts and the working copy have holograph corrections.