Box 1
Briefs and Exhibits
Docket No. 332-A, Yankton Sioux Tribe of Indians v. United States
Ethnohistorical Report on the Indian Occupancy of Royce Area No. 410, May 1967.
Petitioner’s Proposed Findings of Fact and Brief.
Docket No. 332-B, Yankton Sioux Tribe v. United States of America. “An Analysis of the course of Actions and Dealing between the United States and the Yankton Sioux Tribe Following the Treaty of April 19, 1859 to 1888;” June, 1972.
Docket no. 332-C, Yankton Sioux Tribe v. United States of America.
“Opening and the Development of the Yankton Tribal Lands – an Historical Analysis 1849-1869.” March, 1975.
“Petitioner’s Objectives to Defendant’s Requested Findings of fact, Response to Defendant’s Objections to Petitioner’s Proposed finding of fact, and Reply Brief.”, n.d.
“Petitioner’s Proposed Findings of Fact and Brief.”, n.d.
Docket No. 74
“Anthropological Report on Indian Occupancy of Certain Territory Claimed by the Dakota Sioux Indians and by Rival Tribal Claimants.”
“Ethnohistorical Report on the Proportionate Use of the ‘Sioux Fort Laramie Land’ by the Teton and Yankton Sioux”
Docket Nos. 74 and 332-C
“Objections to the Docket No. 74 Sioux’s Proposed Findings of Fact, Proposed Findings of Fact, and Brief of the Yankton Sioux Tribe.”
“Proposed Findings of Fact and Brief of the Yankton Sioux Tribe.”
“Sioux Response to Yankton Objections to Sioux Proposed Findings, Objections to Yankton Proposed Finding of Fact, and Reply Brief,” July 6, 1977.
Appeals Docket No. 13 – 72, United States of America and Sioux Tribe, et al. v. Yankton Sioux Tribe. In the United States Court of Claims.
“Brief of Yankton Sioux, as cross-appellant, in Reply to Briefs of the United States and Docket 74 Sioux, as Appellees.”
“Brief of Yankton Sioux, as Appellee, in Opposition to Brief of Docket 74 Sioux, Appellants.”
Docket no 134-67, Menominee Tribe of Indians, et. A. v. United States of America
“Plaintiff’s Requested Findings of Fact and Brief” vols. II and III of VII volumes.
Blackfeet and Gros Ventre Tribes v. The United States, Docket no 279-C and the Fort Belknap Community v. The United States, Docket no 250-A.
“Relative Use and Occupancy of the 1851 Sioux-Fort Laramie Lands by the Yankton and Teton Sioux Tribes,” Docket no. 332-C, Petitioner’s Exhibit N-1.
Box 2
Badlands Issue, Response of Teton Sioux
Legal, July 30, 1974 – Sept. 1, 1977 (1 folder)
Research, n.d., Feb. 3, 1975 – Jan 7, 1976 (1 folder)
Correspondence (8 folders)
Interviews (1 folder)
With Frank Solaway, Nov. 3, 1906
With Chief Red Cloud, Nov. 24, 1906
Fort Tecumseh (1 folder)
January 31, 1830 – June 10, 1930
June 14, 1830 – April 8, 1831
January 27, 1832 – June 1, 1833
Miscellaneous (1 folder)
Sike and LaBarge Logbook, July 20, 1842 – July 12, 1845
Unidentified, June 8 – July 10, 1845
Ledgers and Inventories (1 folder)
1831. “Number of Americans Killed by Indians in Fur Trade and Inland Trade to Mexico.”
1832. Unidentified.
1834. “Census of Sioux Indians, (?) Agency.”
1835. Unidentified
1837. “Statement of the Probable Number of Some Tribes of Indians West of the Mississippi.”
1844. “Father Augustin Ravoux.”
1846. “Names supposed ages and Studies of the Schools in the Saequipasle (?) Museum School during the Eleventh Year ending June 30, 1846.”
1846. “Statement of all persons employed within the St. Peters Agency on the 31st Day of August, 1846.”
1846. “Statistical Returns showing march of the respective bands or tribes of the Dakota Nation of Indians…”
1855. “Bands of the Sioux Nations.”
1859. “Agent Redfield’s Report of the number, wealth &ct. of the Yankton Indians.”
Box 2, cont.
Letterbook Entries (1 folder)
1828, 1830. J. Dougherty (3 items)
1832. Fort Tecumseh and Fort Pierre
1832. Fort Pierre
1844. Andrew Drips
1844. Hamilton (?)
1845. Fort Pierre
1855. Heaney (?)
Reports (2 folders)
Campbell, A. J., July 23, 1857.
Chambers, Alex, January 4, 1855
Cullen, W. J. (?), July 26, 1854
Harney, W. S.
July 24, 1848
November 10, 1855
Miller, Daniel, February 5, 1844
Norwood, James H., April 23, 1852
Picotte, February 25, 1844
Pilcher, Joshua (Major)
January 23, 1837
September 30, 1837
September 12, 1838
September 15, 1838
September 9, 1857
October 15, 1857
Riggs, S. R. August 12, 1846
Winship, O., September 27, 1854
Unidentified (4 items)
September 1, 1833
October 12, 1847
December 4, 1850
January 2, 1843
Testimonies, Treaties and Certificates (1 folder)
MAPS (1 folder)
NOTES (1 folder)
Box 3
Annals of Iowa (1 folder)
Curtis, S., “The Army of the Southwest and the First Campaign in Arkansas.” April, 1868.
Levering, N., “Recollection of the Early Settlement of Northwestern Iowa.” October 1869 and January, 1871.
Bureau of American Ethnology, 46th Annual Report, 1928 – 1929.
Box 3, cont.
Articles, cont.
Colorado Magazine. “The Journal of E. Willard Smith,” (Review). July, 1950.
Illinois State Historical Society, Transactions. “Diary of the Overland Trail and Letters of Capt. David Dewolf.” 1925.
Indiana History Bulletin. Harper, J. “Searching for Ancestors in the Draper Manuscripts,” n.d.
Minnesota Historical Society (1 folder)
Annals, 1853
Neill, E. “Dakota Land and Dakota Life.”
Sibley, H. “Sketch of the Life of Nicollet.”
“Pike’s Explorations in Minnesota, 1805 – 1806,” 1908.
Pond, S. “The Dakotas or Sioux in Minnesota as they were in 1834,” 1902.
Missouri Historical Review. Schusky, E. “The Upper Missouri Indian Agency,” April 1971.
Missouri Historical Society Bulletin. Denig, E. “Of the Sioux,” January 1951.
Montana Magazine. Ewers, J. “Literate Fur Trader Edwin Thompson Denig,” Spring 1954.
Nebraska History (1 folder)
Anderson, H.
“Controversial Sioux Amendment to the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851,” September, 1956.
“Letters of Peter Wilson, First Resident Agent Among the Teton Sioux,” December, 1961.
Hill, Burton. “Great Indian Treaty Council of 1851,” n.d.
Mattison, R. “The Harney Expedition against the Sioux: the Journal of Captain John B. S. Todd,” June 1962.
New Mexico Historical Review. Butscher, L. “Brief Biography of Prince Paul Wilhelm of Wurttenberg (1797 – 1860),” July, 1942.
North Dakota History (1 folder)
Boller, Henry A.
“Henry A Boller, Upper Missouri River Fur Trader,” Spring, 1966.
“Journal of a Trip to and Residence in the Indian Country,” Summer, 1966.
Quarterly of the California Historical Society. Eberstadt, E. “Journal of Riley root,” December, 1931.
Quarterly of the Oregon Historical Society (1 folder)
Barry, J. N. “Journal of E. Willard Smith While with the Fur Traders, Vasquez and Sublette, in the Rocky Mountain Region, 1839 – 1840,” September, 1913.
Munger, A. “Diary of Ashael Munger and Wife,” December, 1907.
Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin (1 folder)
Bushnell, D. “Villages of the Algonquian, Siouan and Caddoan Tribes of West of the Mississippi,” no. 77, 1922.
Roberts, F. “River Basin Survey Papers,” no 176, 1960.
Box 3, cont.
Articles, cont.
Smithsonian Institution Annual Report. Bushnell, D. “Frederich Kurz, Artist-Explorer,” 1927.
South Dakota Historical Review. Girardin, E., “A Trip to the Badlands in 1849,” January, 1936.
Authors A – B (1 folder)
Anderson, Wm. Marshall, The Rocky Mountain Journals of Wm. Marshall Anderson. Huntington Library: 1967.
Arese, Count Franco, A Trip to the Prairies and the Interior of North America, 1837 – 1838: Travel Notes. Harbor Press: 1934.
Bradley, James H. “History of the Sioux.” Contributions to the Historical Society of Montana, vol. IX, n.d.
Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of the Pacific States of North America. The History Company” 1890.
Bennett, James. Overland Journey to California. New Harmony: 1906.
Blackburn, Wm. Maxwell. “Historical Sketch of North and South Dakota.” South Dakota Historical Collections. News Printing Co.: 1902.
Boller, Henry A. Among the Indians: Eight Years in the Far West, 1856 – 1866. R. R. Donnelley & Sons: 1959.
Bryant, Edwin. What I saw in California, etc. Appleton: 1848.
Authors C – D (1 folder)
Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: 1912.
Catlin, George. Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs and Conditions of the North American Indians, Vol. I and II. Ross & Haines: 1965. (2 items)
Chittenden, H. Martin.
Life, Letters and Travels of Father de Smet, Vols. 1, 2 and 4. Arno Press: 1969. (3 items)
American Fur Trade of the Far West. Academic Reprints: 1954.
Cooke, P. St. G. Adventures in the Army. Lindsay and Blackston: 1859.
Coues, Elliott, Ed. History of the Expedition under the command of Lewis and Clark. Dover: 1965.
Crawford, Medorem. Journal. Sources of the History of Oregon: 1897.
Culbertson, Thaddeus. Journal of an Expedition to the Mauvaises Terres and the Upper Missouri in 1850. USGOP: 1952.
DeLand, Edmund
“Basil Clement (Claymore) The Mountain Trappers,” South Dakota Historical Collections, Vol. IX. Hipple Printing: 1918.
“Fort Tecumseh and Fort Pierre Journal and Letter books,” South Dakota Historical Collections, Vol. IX. Hipple Printing: 1918. (2 items)
Denig, Edwin Thompson. Five Indian Tribes of the Upper Missouri. Univ. of Oklahoma Press: 1968.
Box 3, cont.
Books, cont.
Authors F-G (1 folder)
Field, Matthew C. Prairie and Mountain Sketches. Univ. of Oklahoma Press: 1957.
Fremont, John Charles. Memoirs of My Life. Belfort, Clarke & co.: 1887.
Gallatin, Albert. Synopsis of Indian Tribes. AMS Press: 1836.
Goodspeed, Weston Arthur. Province and the States, vol. VI. Western Historical Association: 1904.
Authors H (1 folder)
Hale, Edward Everett. Kanzas and Nebraska. Books for Libraries Press: 1972.
Hamilton, W. T. My Sixty Years on the Plains. Univ. of Oklahoma Press: 1960.
Hayden, F. V. Contributions to the Ethnography and Philology of the Indian Tribes of the Missouri Valley. C. Sherman & Son: 1862.
Holley, Frances C. Once Their Home, or, Our Legacy From the Dahkotahs. Donbhur & Henneberry: 1890.
Hodge, Frederick W. Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico. USGPO: 1968 (3 items)
Holman, Albert and Constant R. Marks. Pioneering in the Northwest. Deitch & Lamar: 1924.
Hyde, George
Life of George Bent. Univ. of Oklahoma Press: 1968.
Red Cloud’s Folk: A History of the Oglala Sioux Indians. Univ. of Oklahoma Press: 1937.
Spotted Tail’s Folk: A History of the Brule Sioux. Univ. of Oklahoma Press: 1961.
Authors I – M (1 folder)
Indian Hostilities. No pub, n.d.
Jackson, Donald, ed. Letters of the Lewis and Clark Expedition with Related Documents, 1783 – 1854. Univ. of Illinois Press: 1962.
Johnson, Overton. Route Across the Rocky Mountains. Princeton Univ. Press: 1932.
Johnston, William G. Overland to California. Biobooks: 1948.
Keating, William H. Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of St. Peter’s River, Lake Winnepeek, Lake of the Woods… H. Carey: 1824.
Kennerly, William Clark. Persimmon Hill. Univ. of Oklahoma Press: 1948.
Kurz, Rudolph Frederich. Journal of Rudolph Frederich Kurz. USGPO: 1937.
Lambert, M. “John Leland Champe: A Founder of the Plains Conference.” Plains Conference, Special Programs: n.d.
Laveille, E. The Life of Father DeSmet, S. J. (1801 – 1873). P. J. Kennedy & Sons: 1915.
Mattison, Ray H. “Report on Historical Aspects of the Oahe Reservoir Area, Missouri River, South and North Dakota.” South Dakota Historical Collections and Report, Vol. XXVII. South Dakota Historical Society: 1954.
Box 3, cont.
Books, cont.
Authors I – M, cont.
Mc Dermott, Ed. Up the Missouri with Audubon: The Journal of Edward Harris. Univ. of Oklahoma Press: 1951.
McFarling, Lloyd, ed. Exploring the Northern Plains, 1804 – 1876. Caxton: 1955.
Merrill, George P. The First 100 Years of American Geology. Yale Univ. Press: 1924.
Miller, George L. “The Fort Pierre Expedition.” Transactions and Reports of the Nebraska State Historical Society, vol. 3. Hammond Brothers: 1892.
Morton, J. Sterling. History of Nebraska. Western Pub.: 1918.
Mumey, Nolie. Life of Jim Baker, 1818-1898: Trapper, Scout, Guide, & Indian Fighter. World Press: 1931.
Authors N – P (1 folder)
Nelson, Bruce. Land of the Dacotahs. Univ. of Nebraska Press: n.d.
Nelson, John Young. Fifty Years on the Trail. Univ. of Oklahoma Press: 1963.
Nicollet, I. N.. Report Intended to Illustrate A Map of the Hydrographical Basin of the Upper Mississippi River. Blair and Rives: 1843.
Page, Elizabeth. Wagons West: A Story of the Oregon Trail. Farrar & Rinehart: 1930.
Palliser, John. Solitary Rambles and Adventures of a Hunter in the Prairies. John Murray: 1853.
Parker, Rev. Samuel. Journal of an Exploring Tour Beyond the Rocky Mountains. Mack, Andrus & Woodruff: 1842; also Ross & Haines: 1967. (2 items)
Parkman, Francis. Journals of Francis Parkman. Harper & Bros: 1947.
Pritchard, James. The Overland Diary of James A Pritchard from Kentucky to California in 1849. Old West Publishing: 1959.
Authors Q – R (1 folder)
Quaife, Milo, ed. Journals of Captain Meriwether Lewis and Sgt. John Ordway. The Society: 1916.
Rand-McNally Road Atlas, Maps of Nebraska and South Dakota. 1975.
Ravoux, Monsignor A. Reminiscences, Memoirs and Lectures. Brown Tracy & co., 1890.
Robinson, Doane
“Education of Red Cloud.” South Dakota Historical Collections, Vol. XIII. Hipple Printing Co: 1924.
Encyclopedia of South Dakota. Published by the Author: 1925.
History of the Dakota or Sioux Indians. News Printing Co.: 1904. (2 items)
History of South Dakota. B.F. Bowen & CO: 1904.
Box 3, cont.
Books, cont.
Authors I – M, cont.
Robinson, Doane, cont.
“Official Correspondence Pertaining to the Leavenworth Expedition of 1823 into South Dakota for the conquest of the Ree Indians.” South Dakota Historical Collections. News Printing Co: 1902.
“Our Indian Problem,” South Dakota Historical Collections, vol. XXV. South Dakota Historical Society: 1951
Roe, Frank Gilbert. The North American Buffalo. Univ. of Toronto Press: 1951.
Ruston, George Frederick. Life in the Far West. Univ. of Oklahoma Press: 1951.
Authors S (1 folder)
Sage, Rufus. Rocky Mountain Life. Edward Canby: 1846.
Schoolcraft, Henry R.
History of the Indian Tribes of the United States. Lippincott & Co: 1857. (2 excerpts)
Information Respecting the History, Condition and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the U.S.. Lippincott & Co.: 1855.
Settle, Raymond. The March of the Mounted Riflemen: The First U. S. Military Expedition to Travel the Full Length of the Oregon Trail from Fort Leavenworth to Fort Vancouver, May to October 1849. Arthur H. Clark: 1940.
deSmet, Rev. P. J. Western Missions and Missionaries. James B. Kirker: 1863.
Smith, George Martin. History of Dakota Territory. Clarke: 1915.
Smucker, Samuel. Life of Col. John Charles Fremont. Hurst & Co: 1883.
South Dakota Historical Collections (no authors)
Vol. VI, 1912.
“Trudeau’s Journal.” Vol VIII, 1914.
“Fremont’s Story 1836 – 1839.” Vol X, 1920.
“Report of Lieut. G. K. Warren.” Vo. XI, 1922
“Table of Contents.” Vol. XII, 1924.
Sunder, John E.
Fur Trade on the upper Missouri, 1840 – 1865. Univ. of Oklahoma Press: 1965.
Joshua Pilcher: Fur Trader and Indian Agent. Univ. of Oklahoma Press: 1968.
Authors T – W (1 folder)
Tabeau, Pierre-Antoine. Tabeau’s Narrative of Loisel’s Expedition to the Upper Missouri. Univ. of Oklahoma Press: 1939.
Talbot, Theodore. Journals of Theodore Talbot, 1843 and 1849 – 52. Metropolitan Press: 1931.
Thomas, Norman. “John Blair Smitth Todd, First Dakota Delegate to Congress.” South Dakota Historical Collections and Report, Vol. XXIV, 1949.
Thornton, J. Quinn. Oregon and California in 1848. Arno Press: 1973.
Box 3, cont.
Books, cont.
Authors T - W, cont.
Thwaites, Reuben Gold. Early Western Travels, 1748 – 1846: A Series of Annotated Reprints of Some of the Best and Rarest contemporary Volumes of Travel… Arthur H. Clark: 1906. (4 items).
Wilhelm, Paul. “First Journey to North America in the years 1822 to 1824.” South Dakota Historical Collections, vol. XIX: 1938.
Wilson, Frederick
“Fort Pierre and its Neighbors.” South Dakota Historical Collections, vol. 1: 1902.
“Editorial Notes on Old Fort Pierre and its Neighbors.” Charles DeLand, South Dakota Historical Collections, vol. 1, 1902.
Wimar, Charles. Charles Wimar, 1828-1862: Painter of the Indian Frontier. City Art Museum of St. Louis. 13 October to 18 November, 1946.
Government Documents
Documents (1 folder)
American State Papers, Documents, Legislative and Executive of the Congress of the United States, Washington: 1834. (3 excerpts)
Documents Printed by the Order of the Senate of the United States, March 1, 1851.
Index to the Executive, Printed by Order of the Senate of the United States, First and Second Sessions, Thirty-Fourth Congress 1855-1856. Washington: 1856.
Public Documents Printed by Order of the Senate of the United States, Vol. II. Washington: December 7, 1831.
Letters (1 folder)
19th Congress, 1st Session. “Letter from the Secretary of War Respecting the Movements of the Expedition which lately Ascended the Missouri River,” March 6, 1826.
29th Congress, 1st Session. Captain J. Allen’s Expedition. Letter from the Secretary of War, March 20, 1846.
35th Congress, 2nd Session. Pacific Wagon Roads. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior, February 23, 1859.
Messages (1 folder)
33rd Congress, 1st Session. Message from the President of the United States, Dec. 6, 1853.
33rd Congress, 2nd Session. Message from the President of the United States, December 4, 1854.
34th Congress, 1st Session.
“Council with the Sioux Indians at Fort Pierre.” Message from the President of the United States, July 25 (?), 1856.
“Indians on the Upper Missouri.” Message from the President of the United States, March 24, 1856.
35th Congress, 2nd Session. Message from the President of the United States, December 6, 1858.
Box 3, cont.
Government Documents, cont.
Reports (1 folder)
Commissioner of Indian Affairs (16 reports)
December 1, 1837 – October 17, 1860
Engineer Department, U. S. Army. Preliminary Report of Explorations in Nebraska and Dakota, 1855, ‘56, ‘57. USGPO: 1875.
House of Representatives, 33rd Congress, 2nd Session. Report of Explorations and Surveys to ascertain the most practicable and economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, 1853-54.
Secretary of War
28th Congress, 1st Session, February 24, 1840.
34th Congress, 1st Session, July 10, 1856.
40th Congress, 1st Session, July 19, 1967.
Statutes at Large and Treaties (1 folder)
1789 to March 3, 1845. Little Brown: 1846.
Dec. 3, 1855 to March 3, 1859. Little Brown: 1859.
34th Congress, 1st Session. Explorations in the Dacota Country in the year 1855. Warren, Lieut. G. K. Washington: 1856.
53rd Congress, 2nd Session. Dakota Grammar, Texts and Ethnography. Riggs, Stephen Return. USGPO: 1893.
57th Congress, 1st Session. Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties, Vol. II. Kappler, Charles J. USGPO: 1903.
Correspondence, 1825 – 1888 (1 folder)
Histories (1 folder)
No author. “Yankton and Teton Encountered Prior to 1829,” n.d.
Bettleyoun, Susan Bordeau
“Battle of Ash Hollow,” 1936.
“Battle of the Little Blue or Ash Hollow,” n.d.
Champe, John L.
“Chiefs List,” n.d.
“Yankton Sioux and the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851,” n.d.
“Yankton Chronology: I,” n.d.
“Yankton Sioux 332-B: ‘Raw’ First Draft,” n.d.
Lampton, William. “Wm. Lampton’s Diary, on Trip to California in 1850,” n.d.
Vaughan, Jack C. “Colonel Alfred Jefferson Vaughan: The Frontier Ambassador,” 1957.
Inventories and Bibliographies (4 items)
Clark Papers, Kansas State Historical Society. Inventory.
Exhibit Descriptions (2) Inventories.
Rothar, Emma F. “History of the Sioux Indians,” Bibliography.
Box 4
Legal Documents (3 folders)
“Additional Findings of Fact,” n.d.
Brief, “Defendant’s Requested Findings of Fact, Objections to Petitioner’s Proposed Findings of Fact, and Brief.” [1968].
Sioux Nation, Dkt. No. 74/ Yankton Sioux Tribe, Dkt. No. 332-C V. U.S., Indian Claims Commission, decided December 2, 1970. (2 documents)
Yankton Sioux Tribe, Sioux Nation Intervenor v. U.S., Dkt. No. 332-C, Indian Claims Commission, decided December 14, 1970.
Sioux Tribe v. United States, U.S. Court of Claims, decided July 19, 1974.
Sioux Nation/Yankton Sioux Tribe v. U.S., Indian Claims Commission, decided August 25, 1977.
Sioux Nation/Yankton Sioux Tribe v. U.S., Indian Claims Commission, decided December 27, 1977
Exhibit Digests (1 folder)
Motions. Before Indian Claims Commission, October 30, 1967 – October 13, 1977. (1 folder)
Summary Memos (1 folder)
No author. “Relative Use and Occupancy of the Sioux-Fort Laramie Lands by the Yankton and Teton Sioux Tribes Prior to 1851,” n.d.
Champe, John L, “Comments on the Report by Dr. H. H. Tanner,” December 9, 1975.
Hardcastle, Bruce. “Yankton Use and Occupancy of Sioux Laramie Lands, 1837 – 1857,” August 22, 1974.
Leutbecker, Mark
Evaluation of Helen Tanner’s “Ethnohistorical Report…,” October 31, 1975.
Review of Helen Tanner’s evidence, November 17, 1975.
Evaluation of H. Tanner’s “Supplemental Report on the Writings of Father P. J. DeSmet,” June 15, 1976.
Nicklason, Fred
Analysis of Helen Tanner’s “Ethnohistorical Report,” October 23, 1975.
Tanner’s Teton Report, October 30, 1975.
Miscellaneous (1 folder)
Expert Witness (Historian) Contract Between the Yankton Sioux Tribe of Indians and Dr. Fred Nicklason, February 14, 1975.
Justification for not Reviewing LR/OIA, Northern Superintendency, NARG #75.
Yankton Share in Fort Laramie Treaty Lands, “FLH Notes.”
MICROFILM (2 items)
MA Thesis
Yankton Document – National Archives