Descriptive list of the 16mm films
Acting: A Study of Life, Program 1 (Workshop with Alvina Krause)
M-458; July 1970; 12 inches; color; copyright Forward Productions
Acting: A Study of Life, Program 2 (Workshop with Alvina Krause)
Shakespeare: An Age of Astonishment
M-459; July 1970; 12 inches; color; copyright Forward Productions
Acting: A Study of Life, Program 3 (Workshop with Alvina Krause)
Contemporary Drama, Part 1
M-460; July 1970; 12 inches; color; copyright Forward Productions
Acting: A Study of Life, Program 4 (Workshop with Alvina Krause)
Contemporary Drama, Part 2
Drama of the Absurd
M-461; July 1970; 12 inches; color; copyright Forward Productions
Acting: A Study of Life, Program 5 (Workshop with Alvina Krause)
Outer Techniques of Communication
M-462; July 1970; 12 inches; color; copyright Forward Productions
Acting: A Study of Life, Program 6 (Workshop with Alvina Krause)
M-456; July 1970; 12 inches; copyright Forward Productions
The Adventure of the Arts
H-136; 1967; 9.5 inches; 14 minutes; color
“An exploration of the creative process, in which, the work of a painter, a composer and a writer illustrate three aspects of the adventure of the arts.” Presented by the College of Fine Arts, University of South Dakota; narrated by Martin Busch; paintings by Paul Arnold and Douglas Sharples; original music by Robert Marek and Ronald Odson; written and directed by Sanford D. Gray.
Patron access copy on DVD available in this collection.
The American as Artist: A Portrait of Bob Penn
R-604-U; [1975]; 29 minutes; color
[For the National Endowment for the Humanities through Midwestern Educational Television]
“A painter who is also a Native American, Robert Penn comments on the hybrid cultural qualities of his work, and the significance of color and mood in his compositions” (description from OCLC). Narrated by Graham Thatcher; Director & Photographer James P. Sprecher; Executive Producer David Allen Silvian; Producer Sanford D. Gray; Project Director Bill E. Hopkins; Writer: Hansford Martin; Produced through the University of South Dakota, E.O. Lawrence Telecommunications Center for the Midwestern Educational Television Network
Patron access copy on DVD available in this collection.
R-603-U; [1975]; 30 minutes; color
[For the National Endowment for the Humanities through Midwestern Educational Television]
“A portrait of Arthur Amiotte, a 34-year-old Oglala Sioux from the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota who has been educated in the best art schools white culture has to offer, but becomes frustrated with white society and values. Shows his return to the reservation where experiences with a medicine man rearrange his attitudes and his painting” (description from OCLC). Produced through a grant from the Jerome Foundation, Inc; Executive Producer David Allen Silvian; Producer Bruce Baird; Director, cinematographer and editor Richard Muller; Produced for the Midwest Educational Television Network
Patron access copy on DVD available in this collection.
The Art of Being Indian
The Archives and Special Collections does not hold the original 16mm film. A digital version is available.
1976; 29 minutes and 23 seconds; color
This film is available for viewing in the Digital Library of South Dakota.
Black Hills Playhouse
G-69; 1962; 7 inches; 10 minutes 30 seconds; color
[College of Fine Arts, USD]
“The many activities revolving around the production of a play at the Black Hills Playhouse are shown. Students of theatre gather from all parts of the country to participate in this excellent summer theatre.”
A Century of Learning
S-679; 1982; 10.5 inches; 17 minutes; color
Narrated by Tom Brokaw and directed by Sanford Gray.
F-182; 1964; 7 inches; 5 minutes 9 seconds; color
“This film, with the exception of the title and credits, was produced entirely without the use of a camera. Various abstract patterns flash on the screen to an original score by Robert C. Marek.” Music by Robert Marek; filmed by Sanford Gray.
Patron access copy on DVD available in this collection.
Child Is a Piper
H-624; 12 inches; 29 minutes; color
“This film shows attractions within one hour of Rapid City, as seen through a child’s eyes. It is educational and scenic, and includes Mount Rushmore, the Badlands, Storybook Island, wild-life in Custer State Park, Crazy Horse, outdoor recreation, rodeos, etc…”
F-211-USD; 1966; 7 inches; 10 minutes 43 seconds; color
[For American Association for University Women]
“This film shows the life of a Nigerian pre-med student, attending the University of South Dakota on an American Association of University Women International Fellowship. Christie Adesanya chats with students about life in the United States and in her native Nigeria.” Directed by Sanford Gray.
The College Crisis and You
H-124; 1958; 10.5 inches; 13 minutes; black and white
National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges. Narrated by Bill Shiply.
Could It Happen Here?
F-187; 1964; 7 inches; 10 minutes 57 seconds; black and white
“Produced originally for Law Day, USD, this film shows the importance of the third, fifth, and eighth amendments to the Constitution. In this dramatization, the defendant, accused of a minor traffic violation drifts off into a dream world where the Constitutional Amendments have been abolished as “obsolete.” He awakens to find himself in a modern day courtroom protected by his full Constitutional rights.” Written by Ernest Phelps and Don Miller and directed by Sanford Gray.
A Country School Legacy (two copies)
M-313; 12 inches; color
Drops of Stone: A Study in Solid and Fluid Form
F-213-KUSD; 1962; 7 inches; 5 minutes 52 seconds; color
“A study in solid and fluid forms. Shots of a miniature copy of Michelangelo’s David are contrasted with shots of ink swirling in water.” Original score by Leslie Beyer and directed by Roger Miller.
Earth Power
C-232-U; 12 inches; color
The Eternal Search (two copies)
E-140-1 and E-141-2; circa 1950’s; 10.5 inches; black and white
“Introduction by I.D. Weeks. Faculty Research Studies: Archeology dig finds skeleton; Geology in the field mapping; Psychology testing with monkeys; Social Behavior; Medical Research.” Narrated by Larry Michaels; script by Jim Slack; directed by Don Miller; filmed at the State University of South Dakota.
Patron access copy on DVD available in this collection. This film is available for viewing on the Digital Library of South Dakota:
F-183; 1965; 7 inches; 5 minutes 17 seconds; color
“Various patterns evolve as threads appear on a black velvet background in strict rhythm to a guitar accompaniment. John Dowland’s Fantasy for Guitar set the pace for the delicate patterns as they appear.” Student production. Music by John Dowland.; performed by Charles Pederson; animation by Mary Holien.
[Title on container and in shelving list is Fantasy #3]
Fare Thee West
R-548; 1970; 12 inches; 28 minutes 5 seconds; color
“The film covers the historic and recreational sites and activities throughout the state.” S.D. Department of Highways.
Frustrating Fours and Fascinating Fives
Ages and Stages Series, McGraw Hill
1953; 22 minutes; black and white
“A study of the behavior of four-and five-year-old children at home and at nursery school, presenting typical examples of the actions of children at these ages. Shows the vacillation between infantile helplessness and vigorous self-assertion at four, and the development of independence and the beginnings of cooperation at five and presents advice and encouragement to parents.” Department of National Health and Welfare, Ottawa; made by Crawley films for the National Board of Canada; released by National Film Board of Canada.
Future of South Dakota Program: A Summary
C-240; 12 inches; color
Produced, narrated and directed by Douglas Sharples; written by Douglas and Judy Sharples.
Graduate Study: Key to the Future
H-172; 1962; 12 inches; about 26 minutes; color
[For Graduate School, USD]
“An overall look at graduate and postgraduate work at the State University of South Dakota.” Narrated by Larry Michaels. A State University of South Dakota Motion Picture Unit Production; narrated by Larry Michael; written, directed and photographed by Sanford D. Gray.
Patron access copy on DVD available in this collection. This film is available for viewing on the Digital Library of South Dakota:
The Great Lakes of South Dakota
H-616; 1965; 9.5 inches; 14 minutes 15 seconds; color
“Scenes from recreational and economic activities on four dams along the Missouri River in South Dakota, plus historical material on river exploration.” Produced for South Dakota Department of Highways, script by Bob Geddy, narrator Gene Zimmerman, a Nauman Films Production.
Patron access copy on DVD available in this collection.
Happiest Gold Rush Ever
K-298; 1976; 14 inches; 34 minutes 59 seconds; color
“The early history of the Black Hills of South Dakota and the riotous days of the Black Hills Gold Rush are re-created from painting and photographs from nearly twenty libraries, museums, historical societies and archives. The film culminates in a live action sequences shot in the Homestake Mine of the present.” Produced by The University of South Dakota on a grant from The South Dakota Arts Council, the Deadwood-Lead Centennial Committee and KUSD TV; directed and photographed by Sanford D. Gray; written by Hansford Martin; narrative by Wayne S. Knutson; KUSD production.
Patron access copy on DVD available in this collection.
Harvey Dunn: Painter of Pioneers
R-502-3; 1968; 12 inches; 27 minutes 52 seconds; color
Narrated by John McIntire; written and directed by John Wheeler.
Have You Really Seen South Dakota?
F-240; 1970; 7 inches; 14 minutes; color
“A brief look at South Dakota attractions including the Northeast and Great Lakes and the Black Hills and Badlands areas.” Produced by Department of Highways; South Dakota Travel Division.
Patron access copy on DVD available in this collection.
Health Care: Crisis at Rosebud
R-208; 1973; 10.5 inches; 20 minutes 32 seconds: color
“This film explores the serious doctor shortage which existed on the Rosebud Reservation in 1973 and offers some ways of finding a solution.” Produced by the University of South Dakota for the South Dakota Committee for the Humanities, Vision Maker Video. Narrated by Jack Bruce; written by Craig T. Shoemaker, Joan McConville Gray, and Joseph H. Cash; directed by Sanford D. Gray; project director Herbert Hoover.
Patron access copy on DVD available in this collection.
Related material can be found in the South Dakota Oral History Center: Sound recording of field notes by Dr. Charles Allen (June 8th, 1973).
Helping Hands (three copies)
Speech and Hearing Center, USD
F-153-U, F-181-2-U, F-222-3; 1965; 7 inches; 10 minutes; color
“This film shows some of the advantages in using the moto-kinesthetic method in speech correction. Three examples are shown; a hyperactive child with an articulatory problem, an adult with severe hearing loss, and an adult sphasic.” Clinicians: Lily Tjomsland, Sylvester Clifford, and Alyce Jessen; directed by Sanford Gray.
Herman Red Elk: A Sioux Indian Artist
Produced through a grant from the Jerome Foundation. Project director: Bill E. Hopkins. Music provided through the courtesy of Indian Records, Inc. Art by Herman Red Elk. Cinematographer: Sanford Gray. Film editing: Kirk Hokanson. Writer: Hansford Martin. Assistant to the director: Ruth D. Dixon. Produced through the facilities of KUSD-TV, University of South Dakota.
This film is available for viewing in the Digital Library of South Dakota.
How You Can Succeed on Skis without Really Crying
F-229; 1968; 7 inches; 10 minutes; color
[For South Dakota Department of Highways]
“This is a humorous short story on learning to ski at Terry Peak in the Black Hills of South Dakota.”
[Title on container and in shelving list is How to Succeed on Skis without Really Crying]
Illustrations of Aphasia
F-212; 1965; 7 inches; 6 minutes; color
[For Speech and Hearing Center, USD]
“This film shows some of the typical problems encountered in working with the speech problems of an aphasic patient recovering from a cerebral hemorrhage.” Directed by Sanford Gray; clinician, Sylvester Clifford, Ph.D.
The Impact of Gutzon Borglum
F221-U; 7 inches; color
Narrated by Graham Thatcher.
[Title on container and in shelving list is Mount Rushmore: The Impact of Gutzon Borglum]
Impressions of a Program in Nursing
E-5-U; 1966; 3.5 inches; 13 minutes 8 seconds; black and white
“The program in nursing at the University of South Dakota as seen through the eyes of three student nurses. One, a former nurse having successfully raised a family and returning to nursing; another, a young lady just out of high school; and the third, a young man planning to enter the nursing profession.” Presented by the University of South Dakota; photographed and directed by David Wienkauf.
[Title on container and in shelving list is Impressions of a Career in Nursing]
In the Interests of Time
C-231-U; 1979, 12 inches; about 29 minutes, color
“A look into the historical preservation movement in South Dakota and support from the National Trust.” Presented by the Historical Preservation Center of South Dakota, the Office of Cultural Preservation, the University of South Dakota, and the South Dakota Committee on the Humanities; directed and photographed by Sanford D. Gray, written by Hansford Martin, narrated by Jack Bruce, project director John J. Little, consultants Jerrald Thoms and Clayland Waite.
Patron access copy on DVD available in this collection.
The Inner City
H-137; 1962; 10.5 inches; 18 minutes and 48 seconds; black and white
“The problems of a social worker living in the Inner City section of Chicago are explored. Produced entirely from still photographs, the film is written and narrated by a former USD faculty member who has spent several summers working in the Inner City.” Still photographs by Richard Gowen and Ed Wallowitch; written and narrated by Richard Gowen; directed by Sanford Gray.
Joyful Noise
F-186-U; 1970; 7 inches; 11 minutes 8 seconds; color
“Dance is increasingly being utilized as part of the worship service. This film shows how “Lord of the Dance,” “Breath on Me,” and the Nicene Creed were choreographed by two nonprofessional dance groups in Howard, S.D.” A presentation of the South Dakota Arts Council for the Fine Arts Committee of the SD Council of Churches; produced by USD; music performed by Ed Johnson, Burce Mauyer, Kathy Burnett; written by Hansford Martin; photographed and directed by Sanford Gray.
Keys to the Library
K-31; 10.5 inches; color
L. Herman Smith, library consultant; Kugler Barker Production: Pasadena, California.
The Keystone WYE
H-623; 12 inches; 28 minutes; color
“The Keystone Wye is a documentary of the construction of a tri-level laminated wooden structure at the junction of highway US 16 and 16A north of Keystone, SD. Included are some scenic views in addition to the planning, programming, letting for contract, survey, timber cutting, lamination of the beams and arches of the structure of Timber Structures Inc., Portland, Oregon and all areas of the construction, and the dedication by Governor Boe.” South Dakota Department of Highways.
Legends of the Sioux
R-522; 1966; 12 inches; 28 minutes; color
"This is an authentic recreation of the excitement and color of ancient Sioux legends in a beautiful setting of South Dakota mountains, prairies, and badlands.” Nauman Productions; SD Department of Highways; photographed and directed by Sanford Gray.
Make a Mighty Reach
M-313; 15 inches; color
Written, produced, and directed by Dan Weisburd; assistant producer, Thomas Caulfield; filmed by Robert Kaufman.
Mount Rushmore
MR-34; 1965; 12 inches; 28 minutes; color
“A documentary on the carving of Mount Rushmore Memorial by Gutzon Borglum, with early sculpture scenes and historical backgrounds of the four presidents.” Narrated by Lowell Thomas; Mt. Rushmore National Memorial Society of the Black Hills.
Oahe: A Question of Values
K-194; 1975; 15 inches; color
“The 55-minute documentary about the Oahe irrigation project that helped to change the course of South Dakota history.” Black Hills State College; William Bogard, project director and script advisor; written and edited by Douglas and Judy Sharples; produced and directed by Douglas Sharples, Cottonwood Productions.
Old West Trail: Explore the Country
R-533; 1973; 12.5 inches; 27 minutes 31 seconds: color
“This film, narrated by Chet Huntley, depicts activities and attractions in the Old West Trail States of South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming and Nebraska in a fast moving, colorful travelog [sic.]. The film is spiced with history, powwows, rodeos, trail rides, parks, wildlife and other features common to this area.” Old West Trail Foundation.
Open Road
H627; 12 inches; 28 minutes; color
“Most interesting to South Dakotans. It portrays highway construction from soil testing to final allying of pavement.” South Dakota Department of Highways.
Oscar Howe: Camera Original Footage
The Archives and Special Collections does not hold the original 16mm film. A digital version is available.
1973; 9 minutes and 9 seconds; silent; color
This film is available for viewing in the Digital Library of South Dakota.
Oscar Howe: the Sioux Painter
1973; 29 minutes 9 seconds; color
Written by Joan McConville Gray. Contributors: Sanford D. Gray, Institute of Indian Studies, South Dakota Arts Council, Vincent Price, and Centron Films.
"In this film, Oscar Howe is shown working on "Sioux Eagle Dancer." As he paints, he discusses his philosophy, his subject matter, and his technique. With this discussion, new understanding, and appreciation of the artist's work is evoked. Seventeen of Howe's works are explored in detail by the camera. The paintings themselves seem to take on a life of their own; their meaning and mood becoming clear to the viewer. Watching this film, one participates in the personal art of Oscar Howe, and also in Sioux tradition itself." (Description from original movie flyer.) "This film is designed to document the unusual painting techniques and the artistic philosophy of Oscar Howe. The audience has a rare opportunity to watch an artist of Mr. Howe's stature as he designs and executes the striking painting, "Sioux Eagle Dancer,"- from addressing the blank canvas to signing the completed painting. Mr. Howe recalls his early childhood and discusses how his cultural heritage dominates every facet."
This film is available in the Digital Library of South Dakota for viewing.
Our Schools (two copies)
U-11, U-12; 1964; 10.5 inches; black and white
Filmed by Glenn Wentzel.
[Title on container and in shelving list is Our Schools: School District Reorganization]
Portrait of a River
The Archives and Special Collections does not hold the original 16mm film. A digital version is available.
c. 1965; 20 minutes and 17 seconds; color
This film is available for viewing in the Digital Library of South Dakota.
Prelude, Fugue and Chaconne
F-188-U; 1962; 7 inches; 6 minutes 24 seconds; color
“A short film that explores the working parts of a pipe organ. Shots of the blower, windchest, trackers and pipes are edited in strict rhythm with the music in an attempt to visually interpret the composition of Diderik Buxtehude.” Robert Clark, organist; produced and directed by Sanford Gray.
Science Fair
1962; 9 inches; 9 minutes 40 seconds; color
[For KUSD-TV and Physics Department, USD]
“The camera takes a look at one of the annual Science Fairs held at the University of South Dakota. A number of the exhibits presented by High School students are shown and the film is climaxed by the presentation of awards.” State University of South Dakota; written and directed by Sanford Gray; narrated by Larry Michael and Dennis Ristau.
Science Fair (two copies)
1962; 7 inches; 9 minutes 40 seconds; color
“The camera takes a look at one of the annual Science Fairs held at the University of South Dakota. A number of the exhibits presented by High School students are shown and the film is climaxed by the presentation of awards.” State University of South Dakota; written and directed by Sanford Gray; narrated by Larry Michael and Dennis Ristau.
Shrine to Music Museum: The Development of a Major New Cultural Institution on the Great Plains
C-228; 1980; 12 inches; color; 28 minutes 52 seconds
Directed and photographed by Sanford Gray; written by Hansford Martin; narrated by Jack Bruce.
This film is available for viewing in the Digital Library of South Dakota.
Snow Piece
F-184-USD; 1965; 7 inches; 7 minutes 19 seconds; color
“The camera explores the many textures, shadows and patterns that are the result of a heavy snowfall. Frost clings to trees, eerie shadows stretch out across the snow, and icicles glisten in the sun.” A University of South Dakota Film Production; Music by Robert Marek; directed by Sanford D. Gray.
Patron access copy on DVD available in this collection.
South Dakota Kaleidoscope
R-467; 1970; 12 inches; 27 minutes 56 seconds; color
“This colorful production displays all of South Dakota’s majestic scenery in the colors of the beautiful kaleidoscope. Scenes from activities of Mount Rushmore, the many rodeos in South Dakota, parades and other exciting events make up the film.” Presented by Travel Division, South Dakota Department of Highways; produced by the University of South Dakota; photographed and directed by Sanford D. Gray.
Patron access copy on DVD available in this collection.
Space for the Mentally Retarded
K-241; 1968; 10.5 inches; 20 minutes and 20 seconds; color
“This film aimed primarily at a South Dakota audience, tells what facilities are available in the state for the mentally retarded. It also points out some of the problems involved in caring for the retarded and what can be done to help them.” Produced by the University of South Dakota for the Mental Retardation Planning Section, SD Dept. of Health; directed by Sanford Gray; narrated by Jack Bruce.
Surprising South Dakota
H-625; 9.5 inches; color
A film by John Savage.
Teaching the Child Who Is Mentally Retarded (three copies)
H-103, H-104, H-105; 10.5 inches; color
Filmed by Sanford Gray.
Travels in the Interior of North America
E-163; 1972; 9.5 inches; 13 minutes; color
“Film is based on Maximilian of Wied’s written descriptions and Karl Bodmer’s hand-colored illustration depicting their journey along the Missouri River Valley in 1833-1834. Presents cultures of various Indian tribes they encountered.” James Jerome Hill Reference Library, St. Paul, Minnesota; produced by Virgil Massman.
University and You
1950’s; 14 inches; color
The University of South Dakota
Incomplete patron access copy on DVD available in this collection.
University and You
F-42; 1950’s; 15 inches
The State University of South Dakota presents; writers Jim Slack and Don Miller; narrator Jim Slack; director Don Miller.
Patron access copy on DVD available in this collection.
This film is available for viewing on the Digital Library of South Dakota.
What Is the University?
H-100-1(Copy 1); 1959; 9 inches; color; black and white
“President I.D. Weeks, Harry Dykstra, Fred Peterson, Dr. Stilwell, Harry Gamadge, Martin Busch, Radio School of the Air.” Written by Johnny Powell; narrated by Larry Michael; camera direction, Don Miller.
Patron access copy on DVD available in this collection.
What Is the University?
H-100-2 (Copy 2); 1959; 3.5 inches; black and white
“President I.D. Weeks, Harry Dykstra, Fred Peterson, Dr. Stilwell, Harry Gamadge, Martin Busch, Radio School of the Air.” Written by Johnny Powell; narrated by Larry Michael; camera direction, Don Miller.
Shelving order of the 16mm films
7.5 inch reel enclosure
Black Hills Playhouse
Could It Happen Here?
Drops of Stone: A Study in Solid and Fluid Form
Fantasy #3
[Title in descriptive list is Fantasy]
Have You Really Seen South Dakota?
Helping Hands (three copies)
How to Succeed on Skis without Really Crying
[Title in descriptive list is How You Can Succeed on Skis without Really Crying]
Illustrations of Aphasia
Joyful Noise
Mount Rushmore: The Impact of Gutzon Borglum
[Title in descriptive list is The Impact of Gutzon Borglum]
Prelude, Fugue and Chaconne
Science Fair (two copies)
Snow Piece
10 inch reel enclosure
The Adventure of the Arts
The Great Lakes of South Dakota
Impressions of a Career in Nursing
[Title in descriptive list is Impressions of a Program in Nursing]
Science Fair
Surprising South Dakota
Travels in the Interior of North America
What Is the University? (two copies)
12 inch reel enclosure
The American as Artist: A Portrait of Bob Penn
The Eternal Search (two copies)
Frustrating Fours and Fascinating Fives
Health Care: Crisis at Rosebud
The Inner City
Keys to the Library
Our Schools: School District Reorganization (two copies)
[Title in descriptive list is Our Schools]
Space for the Mentally Retarded
Teaching the Child Who Is Mentally Retarded (Three copies)
12.5 inch reel enclosure
Acting: A Study of Life, Program 1 (Workshop with Alvina Krause)
Acting: A Study of Life, Program 2 (Workshop with Alvina Krause)
Acting: A Study of Life, Program 3 (Workshop with Alvina Krause)
Contemporary Drama, Part 1
Acting: A Study of Life, Program 4 (Workshop with Alvina Krause)
Contemporary Drama, Part 2
Drama of the Absurd
Acting: A Study of Life, Program 5 (Workshop with Alvina Krause)
Outer Techniques of Communication
Acting: A Study of Life, Program 6 (Workshop with Alvina Krause)
A Century of Learning
Child Is a Piper
The College Crisis and You
A Country School Legacy (two copies)
Earth Power
Fare Thee West
Future of South Dakota Program: A Summary
Graduate Study: Key to the Future
Harvey Dunn: Painter of Pioneers
Herman Red Elk: A Sioux Indian Artist
In the Interests of Time
The Keystone WYE
Legends of the Sioux
Mount Rushmore
Old West Trail: Explore the Country
Open Road
Shrine to Music Museum: The Development of a Major New Cultural Institution on the Great Plains
South Dakota Kaleidoscope
15.25 inch reel enclosure
Happiest Gold Rush Ever
The University and You (Two copies)
Make a Mighty Reach – in old metal can, size of enclosure will change
Oahe: A Question of Values – in old metal can, size of enclosure will change
Digital Copies
Digital copies on DVD (Digital Video Disc) of the 16mm films for patron access
The Adventure of the Arts
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD June 2010
MPEG-2 format
Transfer from 16 mm film to DVD June 2015
Two copies of film on one DVD, one AVI file and one MP4 file
The American as Artist: A Portrait of Bob Penn
Transfer from 16 mm film to DVD June 2015
Two copies of film on one DVD, one AVI file and one MP4 file
Amiotte and The American as Artist: A Portrait of Bob Penn
Transfer from 16 mm film to DVD September 2010
Two films on one disk
[Title written on film container and written on the DVD is Bob Penn: American as Artist]
The Art of Being Indian [1976] and Oscar Howe: The Sioux Painter [1973]
Transfer from 16 mm film to DVD September 2010
Two films on one disk
Unknown if these were copied from films that were part of the Educational Media film collection
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD April-May 2012
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-sided silver DVD-R
The Eternal Search
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD April-May 2012
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-sided silver DVD-R
Graduate Study: A Key to the Future
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD April-May 2012
Replacement disk made August 2013
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-sided silver DVD-R
The Great Lakes of South Dakota
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD May-June 2013
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-layer silver DVD-R
Happiest Gold Rush Ever
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD May-June 2013
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-layer silver DVD-R
Have You Really Seen South Dakota?
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD May-June 2013
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-layer silver DVD-R
Health Care: Crisis at Rosebud
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD May-June 2013
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-layer silver DVD-R
In the Interests of Time
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD May-June 2013
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-layer DVD-R
Snow Piece
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD April-May 2012
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-sided silver DVD-R
South Dakota Kaleidoscope
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD May-June 2013
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-layer silver DVD-R
The University and You
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD April-May 2012
Replacement disk made August 2013
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-sided silver DVD-R
“What is the University?” “The University and You,” and “The Happiest Gold Rush Ever”
Transfer from 16 mm film to DVD September 2010
“The University and You” is an incomplete copy of the 14” version.
Three films on one disk
Digital copies on DVD (Digital Video Disc) of the 16mm films for backup
Transfer from 16 mm film to DVD June 2015
Format: MP4 file ?
The American as Artist: A Portrait of Bob Penn
Transfer from 16 mm film to DVD June 2015
Format: MP4 file ?
Amiotte and The American as Artist: A Portrait of Bob Penn
Transfer from 16 mm film to DVD September 2010
Two films on one disk
The Art of Being Indian [1976] and Oscar Howe: The Sioux Painter [1973]
Transfer from 16 mm film to DVD September 2010
Two films on one disk
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD April-May 2012.
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-sided silver DVD-R
The Eternal Search
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD April-May 2012.
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-sided silver DVD-R
Graduate Study: A Key to the Future
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD April-May 2012.
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-sided silver DVD-R
The Great Lakes of South Dakota
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD August 2013
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-layer silver DVD-R
Happiest Gold Rush Ever
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD August 2013
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-layer silver DVD-R
Have You Really Seen South Dakota?
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD August 2013
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-layer silver DVD-R
Health Care: Crisis at Rosebud
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD August 2013
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-layer silver DVD-R
In the Interests of Time
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD August 2013
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-layer silver DVD-R
Snow Piece
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD April-May 2012.
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-sided silver DVD-R
South Dakota Kaleidoscope
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD August 2013
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-layer silver DVD-R
The University and You
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD April-May 2012.
Additional disk made August 2013
Format: MPEG-2 compression
Disk type: Archival-grade single-sided silver DVD-R
“What is the University?” “The University and You,” and “The Happiest Gold Rush Ever” (2copies)
Transfer from 16 mm film to DVD September 2010
“The University and You” is an incomplete copy of the 14” version.
Three films on one disk
Disk format: One a gold DVD
Digital copies on DVD (Digital Video Disc) of the 16mm films for preservation
Art of Being Indian
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD December 2021
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD April-May 2012.
Format: AVI (Audio Video Interleaved or Audio Video Interleave)
Disk type: Archival-grade single-sided silver DVD-R
The Eternal Search
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD April-May 2012.
Format: AVI (Audio Video Interleaved or Audio Video Interleave)
Disk type: Archival-grade single-sided silver DVD-R
Graduate Study: A Key to the Future
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD April-May 2012.
Format: AVI (Audio Video Interleaved or Audio Video Interleave)
Disk type: Archival-grade single-sided silver DVD-R
The Great Lakes of South Dakota
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD May-June 2013
Format: AVI (Audio Video Interleaved or Audio Video Interleave)
Disk type: Archival-grade single-layer silver DVD-R
Happiest Gold Rush Ever
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD May-June 2013
Format: AVI (Audio Video Interleaved or Audio Video Interleave)
Disk type: Archival-grade double-layer silver DVD-R
Have You Really Seen South Dakota?
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD May-June 2013
Format: AVI (Audio Video Interleaved or Audio Video Interleave)
Disk type: Archival-grade single-layer silver DVD-R
Health Care: Crisis at Rosebud
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD May-June 2013
Format: AVI (Audio Video Interleaved or Audio Video Interleave)
Disk type: Archival-grade single-layer silver DVD-R
Herman Red Elk: A Sioux Indian Artist
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD December 2021
In the Interests of Time
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD May-June 2013
Format: AVI (Audio Video Interleaved or Audio Video Interleave)
Disk type: Archival-grade double-layer DVD-R
Oscar Howe: Camera Original Footage
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD December 2021
Oscar Howe: the Sioux Painter
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD December 2021
Portrait of a River
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD December 2021
Shrine to Music Museum
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD December 2021
Snow Piece
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD April-May 2012.
Format: AVI (Audio Video Interleaved or Audio Video Interleave)
Disk type: Archival-grade single-sided silver DVD-R
South Dakota Kaleidoscope
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD May-June 2013
Format: AVI (Audio Video Interleaved or Audio Video Interleave)
Disk type: Archival-grade double-layer DVD-R
The University and You
Transfer from 16mm film to DVD April-May 2012.
Format: AVI (Audio Video Interleaved or Audio Video Interleave)
Disk type: Archival-grade single-sided silver DVD-R
Digital copies on network/cloud storage.
The Art of Being Indian
Transfer from 16mm to digital 2021
AVI: AA04742
MP4: AD03882
Eternal Search
AVI: AA03832
MP4: AD03879
Graduate Study: Key to the Future
AVI: AA03833
MP4: AD03880
Herman Red Elk: A Sioux Indian Artist
Transfer from 16mm to digital 2021
AVI: AA04745
MP4: AD03887
Oscar Howe: Camera Original Footage
Transfer from 16mm to digital 2021
AVI: AA03835
MP4: AD03882
Oscar Howe: the Sioux Painter
Transfer from 16mm to digital 2021
AVI: AA03836
MP4: AD03883
Portrait of a River
Transfer from 16mm to digital 2021
AVI: AA04743
MP4: AD03885
Shrine to Music Museum
Transfer from 16mm to digital 2021
AVI: AA04744
MP4: AD03886
The University and You
AVI: AA03834
MP4: AD03881