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Howard B. Grose

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Additional Resources

Cummins, Cedric.  The University of South Dakota, 1862-1966.  Vermillion:  University of South Dakota Press, 1975.

Grose, Howard B.  Advance in the Antilles:  The New Era in Cuba and Porto Rico
         New York:  Young People’s Missionary Movement of the United States and Canada, 1910.

Grose, Howard B.  Aliens or Americans?  New York:  Toronto Young People’s Missionary Movement, 1906. 

Grose, Howard B.  Baptist Missions on the Frontier.  New York:  American Baptist Home Mission Society, 1908.

Grose, Howard B.  The Development of European Nations:  Syllabus of a Course of Six Lecture-Studies.  Chicago:  University Press of Chicago, 1892.

Grose, Howard B.  Frontier Sketches:  Illustrations of the Pioneer Work of Home Missionaries as Told by the Workers or Drawn from Their Experience.        New York:  American Baptist Home Mission Society, 1908.

Grose, Howard B.  George Edwin Horr:  A Biographical Memoir.  New York:  Rahway, NJ:  Quinn and Boden Co., 1928.

Grose, Howard B.  The Incoming Millions.  Chicago:  Fleming H. Revell Company, 1906.

Grose, Howard B.  John Roach:  Born December 25, 1813, Died January10, 1887.  New York:  Atlantic Publishing and Engraving Co., 1888.

Grose, Howard B.  The Judson Centennial, 1814-1914, Celebrated in Boston, Mass., June 24-25, in Connection with the Centenary of the American         Baptist Foreign Mission Society
      Boston:  American Baptist Publication Society, 1914.

Grose, Howard B.  Never Man so Spake:  Studies in the Teachings of Jesus.  New York:  George H. Doran Co., 1924.

Grose, Howard B.  Ed.  Our Wonder World:  A Library of Knowledge.  Chicago: G. L. Shuman, 1918. Christian Endeavor, 1906. 

Grose, Howard B.  Recitations and Readings for the Lincoln Memorial Service:  Home Mission Day for the Sunday Schools. 
         New York:  American Baptist Home Mission Society, 1900

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