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RED Institutional Repository

RED is an open access digital institutional repository for the collection, management, preservation, and dissemination of intellectual works produced at the University of South Dakota.

Submitting Your Research

Self-Submission for Faculty, Staff, Graduate Students, and Other Researchers

Faculty, graduate students, researchers, and staff may self-submit their work by visiting RED's Submit Your Research page. Upon visiting this page, click on the link that corresponds to your department, and log in with your valid USD account. Please select "Current USD users, sign in with your USD Email Address here.  Do not self register (see image below).

login image

You will then be asked to agree to the terms of the submission agreement, after which you will be taken to a form to submit your work. 

  • If your program or department is not listed on this page, please contact the RED library committee to set up a new collection.
  • Please review the Instructions for Submitting page prior to submitting your work for step-by-step instructions on how to properly format your work in RED.

When self-submitting previously published materials (such as journal articles), please be sure that you are uploading a version of your work that is permitted under your publication agreement. This will ensure that your research is not taken down in response to a publisher's take-down notice. For more information, please see the next section on Publisher Policies, or contact your subject liaison.  


Submitting Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs) and Undergraduate Research

Stay tuned, more information is coming!

Article Versions

Publisher Policies and Article Versions

Whether or not your published works (such as published journal articles) can be deposited in RED depends on the details of the agreement you signed with the publisher when your work was accepted. Journals and publishers vary with respect to which versions of papers they will allow authors to upload in online repositories. It is helpful to think of a published scholarly article as having three versions:

  1. Preprint: The original version of the article that was submitted to the journal. This is a pre-peer review version of the article.
    • Also known as Author's Original Manuscript, Author's Original, Submitted Version.
  2. Author's Accepted Manuscript: The version of the article that has undergone peer review and been revised to address any concerns raised by reviewers. This version has not undergone the publisher's final formatting, and does not look like the final version. It will typically look like a Word document.
    • Also known as Accepted Manuscript, Postprint, Accepted Version.
  3. Final version: The final, published version of the paper with the publisher's formatting and branding. It will typically contain headers, footers, page numbers, and typesetting.
    • Also known as: Version of Record, Published Version, Final Published Version, Publishers' Version.

If you are a USD Faculty member, the Libraries will review your publishers' policies for you through our Faculty Deposit Service pilot program. To participate in this program, or to learn more about understanding your publication agreements, request a consultation with the repository team or contact your subject liaison.

Footer for USD LibGuide v2.0