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RED Institutional Repository

RED is an open access digital institutional repository for the collection, management, preservation, and dissemination of intellectual works produced at the University of South Dakota.

RED Policy Document

USD RED is the institutional repository at the University of South Dakota (“USD”). It is a service of the University Libraries that promotes and shares the research, scholarship, creative works, and data created by USD faculty, students, and affiliates. Its aim is to centralize and provide access to research output, scholarship, and creative works (collectively “works”). 

Works submitted under these Terms of Use will be maintained by the University Libraries and freely available for non-commercial purposes such as teaching, learning, and research. 

Content Guidelines

The collections in USD RED are focused on the research, scholarship, creative works, and data of USD faculty, students, and affiliates. Currently, USD RED is optimized to archive journal articles, other forms of peer-reviewed , and theses and dissertations. Examples of potential works that may be deposited include, but are not limited to:

  • Scholarly articles

  • Books, book chapters, and manuscripts

  • Theses and dissertations

  • Conference papers and presentations

  • Working papers and technical reports

  • Data sets

  • Journals

  • Teaching materials

Some content may not currently be accepted for deposit into USD RED because it does not meet these guidelines or due to issues of copyright or technical limitations.


Preservation and Access

The University Libraries will provide continuing access to items deposited in USD RED but cannot guarantee the persistent functionality of technological tools through which content is currently posted, maintained, and accessed. At its own discretion, depending on changes in the technological environment in which users function, certain tools may be replaced. Every item deposited will remain retrievable from USD RED. However, because file formats change and evolve over time, older formats may lose some of their functionality.

The University Libraries will maintain associated metadata with the works. The University Libraries will provide consultation services related to the uploading of works, metadata, and technical specifications to USD faculty, students, and affiliates.


Withdrawal of contents

USD RED is a permanent scholarly repository. Once a work is deposited, at least a citation to the work will remain permanently accessible. Under certain circumstances, works may be withdrawn at the request of the author, the direction of USD or University Libraries, or by court order. 


Copyright Guidelines for Authors

In order to deposit a work, you must hold the copyright to that work, or have the approval of the copyright holder to do so. If the work is also being published by a traditional publisher, however, you may have transferred your copyright to them as part of the publication process. Please see also the Copyright Policy below.

When submitting works for inclusion in USD RED, please navigate to the “Submit Research” page under the Author Corner and select the appropriate link, or contact the site administrator concerning how to submit your work.

Unless otherwise noted, works deposited in USD RED are the property of their respective authors. The University Libraries claim no rights over the content in USD RED. Authors who deposit works in USD RED agree to the following:

  • I hold the copyright to this work, or have been authorized by the copyright holder(s) to upload it for distribution, and agree to permit this work to be posted in USD RED, and made available to the public in any format in perpetuity.

If you retain the copyright to the work in question, and have not given someone else exclusive rights to distribute it, you may submit it to USD RED. If you share the copyright with other authors, you should ensure they approve of the work being archived and available at USD RED.

If you do not retain the copyright, but have transferred your rights to your publisher, you may still be able to deposit a version of your work in USD RED. You should check your publisher’s copyright policy to determine what is allowed to be submitted to an institutional repository. The University Libraries recommends you use the SHERPA ROMEO listing ( of publisher copyright policies. 

While the SHERPA ROMEO list is growing, it does not include all publishers. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure your publisher’s copyright policy does not prohibit the deposit of the work. 


Copyright Policies

USD faculty, students, and affiliates, and all other contributors are responsible for adhering to federal copyright law and ensuring they have permission to submitting any work. The University Libraries will generally assume good faith on the part of contributors, educate contributors on their rights and responsibilities, and act quickly to remedy copyright issues if they arise.

The University Libraries reserve the right to withdraw any work that potentially or allegedly violates federal copyright law. This includes acting upon take-down notices and DMCA notices from publishers. 


Non-Exclusive Deposit License

By submitting a work to USD RED, you grant to the University Libraries and its licensees and assigns the non-exclusive, world-wide, royalty-free right to host, transfer, display, perform, reproduce, translate, and adapt your work into any electronic media format and distribute your work through electronic media channels now known or hereafter developed for scholarly, noncommercial purposes.

You represent that the submitted work is your original work, or that you have the right to grant the rights contained in the license. You also represent that your submission does not, to the best of your knowledge, infringe anyone’s copyright. You agree to indemnify and hold University Libraries harmless for any claim for copyright infringement.

If the work contains material for which you do not hold the copyright, you represent that you have obtained the permission of the copyright owner to grant University Libraries the rights required by this license, and that such third-party owned material is clearly identified and acknowledged within the text or content of the work. 



Questions, takedown notices, and other inquiries may be directed to:
University Libraries
414 E Clark St.
Vermillion, SD 57069

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