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How University Libraries LibGuides can be used in your classroom.


What is a LibGuide?

Springshare’s LibGuides are a content management and information sharing system designed specifically for libraries. LibGuides are user-friendly, efficient electronic resources that invite collaboration between librarians and instructors to meet the research needs of a particular department, class, or assignment.

A Guide can be thought of as a mini-website. LibGuides are sets of web pages for research assistance, subject guides, and useful resources compiled by us, your friendly librarians!  You may find LibGuides for specific courses or assignments.  Or you will find LibGuides on general topics. While still other LibGuides explain about the library. 

USD University Libraries LibGuide Homepage:

What is the process to get a LibGuide?

To request a LibGuide for your course, contact your liaison librarian. Don't know who to contact? Here is the list of librarians and their assignments:

Can I add a LibGuide to my course in D2L?
Absolutely! You can add the URL of the guide as an external link, or simply paste the guide url into a syllabus or other document uploaded to D2L.

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