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University Libraries
CMST 215
Lessons on using the research databases
Enter Search Words
CMST 215: Lessons on using the research databases
Advanced public speaking
Lessons on using the research databases
Speech Requirements Handouts
Topic Selection Resources
Annotated Bibliography
Library Catalogs
General Research Databases
Subject Specific Databases
Newspaper Resources
Government & Statistical Information
APA Style Guides
Evaluating Sources
Lesson 1-Accessing the databases
Accessing the research databases
This lesson covers how to access the databases from the library's home page. This lesson is updated to reflect the recent changes to the university and library's websites.
Lesson 2-Using topic selection resources
Using topic selection resources
This lesson shows how to access and use several databases for help in identifying possible speech or paper topics.
Lesson 3-Searching databases using key words and phrases
Searching databases using key words and phrases
This lesson demonstrates how to search databases effectively using key words and phrases.
Lesson 4-Searching databases using subject terms
Searching databases using subject terms
This lesson shows how to search databases using subject terms in addition to key words and phrases.
Lesson 5-Accessing newspaper databases
Accessing newspaper databases
This lesson shows how to access and use the newspaper database ProQuest Newsstream
Speech Requirements Handouts >>
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