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University Libraries
CMST 215
Topic Selection Resources
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CMST 215: Topic Selection Resources
Advanced public speaking
Lessons on using the research databases
Speech Requirements Handouts
Topic Selection Resources
Annotated Bibliography
Library Catalogs
General Research Databases
Subject Specific Databases
Newspaper Resources
Government & Statistical Information
APA Style Guides
Evaluating Sources
Databases and web resources for generating topic ideas
Opposing ViewPoints Resource Center
The Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center contains short essays that present different and often clashing sides on an issue. This is a great source for generating topic ideas.
New York Times Topics
This is a list of current topics and links to articles on these topics from the New York Times.
ProCon is a private, nonprofit organization that provides nonpartison information about controversial issues.
Points of View (Ebsco Host)
Different and sometimes clashing positions on current topics are presented in short essays in the Points of View database.
Idea Generation Techniques
Silent Writing technique for generating ideas
Brief description of the silent writing technique used to generate ideas without the limitations of brainstorming.
Video lesson on topic selection resources
Topic selection resources
This short lesson shows how to access topic selection resources.
Speech Requirements Handouts
Annotated Bibliography >>
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