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CMST 215: Evaluating Sources

Advanced public speaking

Vetted Websites

Websites to Evaluate

These websites are used for the SPCM 101 Evaluating Sources instruction provided by the University Library faculty, University of South dakota.

Evaluation Questions

·       Origin (who is the author, publisher, organization?)

·       Purpose (what are the goals of the speaker? Of the organization?)

·       Authority (where does the speaker’s authority or expertise come from?)

·       Objectivity (is the information presented in a factual way or is emotion used to influence the audience?)

·       Accuracy (how accurate is the information being presented?)


Books, Articles, and Web Pages




Web Pages

 Editors review and select; process can be long involving many rewrites

Editors review and select; articles can go through several rewrites

No one/Everyone is "in charge"

Publishers try to maintain reputations for quality

Publishers try to maintain reputations for quality

Anyone can create and "publish" anything; there are no standards

Libraries select based on reviews (written by experts)

Scholarly journals select articles based on peer review

Search engines are not selective on the basis of quality

Libraries select based on publishers' repuations

Periodical indexes select journals based on quality

Only subject indexes select sites based on quality

Created by Dr. Carol A. Leibiger, University of South Dakota

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