"Census of 1860." South Dakota Historical Collections, Volume X (1920). Locations: Main Collection and Chilson Collection, F646 .S76. Includes a section on Vermillion and Clay County.
Clay County Historical Society. Tour Guide: Historic Sites of Vermillion, Founded in 1859. Vermillion, S.D.: Clay County Historical Society, 1970. Locations: Main Collection and Chilson Collection, F659.V4 C52.
Jordan, George T. Vermillion and Vicinity. [S.l.: s.n.], 1901. Location: Vermillion, South Dakota papers, Richardson Collection, Archives and Special Collections.
Lathrop, A.H. Life in Vermillion before the 1881 flood and shortly after. Vermillion, SD: Clay County Historical Society, 1970. Location: Chilson Collection, F659 .V4x L37.
Rusch, Arthur. “Portrait of a River Town: Vermillion before the Flood of 1881.” South Dakota History 40 (Winter 2010): 335 – 363. Location: Journals & Magazines. Time period covered is 1859-1881. Includes photographs.
Sanborn fire insurance map from Vermillion, Clay County, South Dakota. Years available are 1883, 1892, 1898, 1903, 1912, 1923, 1932, and 1931-1939. On library databases: Sanborn Maps – South Dakota (accessed June 11, 2019).
Smith, Elizabeth T. Historic Vermillion and Clay County. Chicago: Arcadia Publishing, 2002. Locations: Main Collection and Chilson Collection, F659 .V4 S64 2002. Time period covered is 1868 to circa 1940. Includes photographs.
Sterling, Everett W. Vermillion story, the people and events in Vermillion’s founding in 1859 and growth through the first 100 years. Published on the occasion of the Vermillion Centennial, August 1959. Vermillion, SD: Vermillion Chamber of Commerce, 1959. Locations: Main Collection and Chilson Collection, F659 .V4 S7x. Time period covered is 1802-1956. Includes photographs.
Svingen, Orlan J. “The history of Vermillion to 1900.” Master’s Thesis, University of South Dakota, 1975. Locations: USD Theses & Dissertations and USD Archives, LD5071.3x .Sv36.
Thaden, Thomas R. From the river valleys to the rising bluff: a pictorial history of Vermillion, South Dakota, 1859-2009. Virginia Beach, VA: Donning Co. Publishers, 2008. Locations: Main Collection and Chilson Collection, F659 .V47 T48 2008.
United States. Works Projects Administration. South Dakota. Vermillion: A civic picture: (a report on municipal government). Vermillion, SD: University of South Dakota, 1942. Locations: Main Collection and Chilson Collection, JS1509.V42 A5 1942.
Vermillion Chamber of Commerce. Vermillion The university city: some interesting facts about one of the choicest residential cities in the state. Vermillion, SD: Vermillion Chamber of Commerce, [1937?]. Locations: Main Collection and Chilson Collection, F659.V4 V4x.
Vermillion Development Company. Vermillion, South Dakota. [Madison, SD: The Madison Leader, 1968]. Locations: Main Collection and Chilson Collection, F659.V4 V47x.
Vermillion Historic Preservation Plan Task Force. Vermillion Historic Preservation Plan. Vermillion, S.D.: [s.n.], 1993. Location: Chilson Collection, F659.V4 V473 1993.
Vermillion Plain Talk. “Historical sketches of Vermillion and Clay County, commemorating Vermillion’s one hundredth anniversary”. Vermillion Plain Talk. An article appeared in each weekly issue from February 5th through August 1959. Location: Chilson Collection.
Wilds, Bridget C. “Downtown Vermillion, South Dakota: An Applied Research Project in Historic Preservation and Downtown Revitalization.” Honors thesis, University of South Dakota, 2016. Location: USD Theses & Dissertations, LD5071.2x .W6477. Contains 7-page historical summary. Includes photographs.