Andreas, Alfred Theodore. Andreas' historical atlas of Dakota. Chicago: R. R. Donnelley & sons, The Lakeside Press, 1884. Locations: Atlas Stand and Chilson Collection, G4180.A5 A5 1884.
Kingsbury, George W., and George Martin Smith. History of Dakota Territory. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub., 1915. Locations: Main Collection and Chilson Collection, F651 .K552x.
Lauck, Jon, editor. Old Trails and New Roads in South Dakota History. Sioux Falls, SD: The Center for Western Studies, Augustana University, 2023. Locations: Main Collection and Chilson Collection, F651 .O53 2023. Includes chapters on the Lakota, borders of South Dakota, railroads, weather, West River, wildlife and parks, radical tradition, German language press, changing food ways, sports, hunting and fishing, and the American Indian Movement.
Peterson, E. Frank. Historical Atlas of South Dakota: Containing State and County Maps, Geologic Maps, Statistical Charts, Geography, Geology, History, Descriptive Notes, Tables, Etc. Vermillion, SD: E.F. Peterson, 1904. Location: Chilson Collection, G4180.P4x 1904.
Robinson, Doane. A Brief History of South Dakota. New York: American Book, 1931. Locations: Main Collection and Chilson Collection, F656 .R65 1931.
Schell, Herbert S. History of South Dakota. 3rd Ed., Rev. ed. Lincoln: U of Nebraska, 1975. Locations: Main Collection and Chilson Collection, F651 .S29 1975.
Thompson, Harry F., and Herbert T. Hoover. A New South Dakota History. 2nd ed. Sioux Falls, S.D.: Center for Western Studies.Augustana College, 2009. Locations: Main Collection and Chilson Collection, F651 .N49 2009.