Why it is important for you to acquire research skills?
Information Literacy and the Lifelong Learner
Information Literacy Versus Information Technology Skills
Rules of Thumb in Doing Research
Where to Find Information in Your Library
Finding Reference Books and Monographs
What to Do With an Article Citation
>> Additional Web Resources
University Libraries LibGuides: LibGuides are guides to print and online resources compiled by the University Libraries faculty and staff from the University Libraries holdings and from the Web. LibGuides help connect you with excellent sources of information on a variety of subjects for either a discipline or a specific course. You can access these library guides by clicking on the "Research Guide" widget located just below the images on the University Libraries home page. Then click on the "LibGuides Home" link which will take you to the LibGuide homepage. You can search by subject (e.g., Communication, English), search by key word, or search by course name and number.
If you want to do Web research, begin here!
Additional online resources include our growing collection of E-Books or books that you can read online anytime day or night from a web-accessible location. E-Books are identified as such in the library catalog search results.
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