Part One: Logical Fallacies Introduction
Red Herring, also Called Distraction
Argumentum Ad Populam, or Bandwagon Fallacy (Also Called Appeal to Popularity)
USD Arts and Sciences Plagiarism Policy
This lesson has six purposes pertaining to academic integrity:
1. To teach you about the ethical use of information.
2. To help you meet Student Learning Objective 5 of the BOR General Education Information Literacy Goal (#7).
3. To help you meet Standard 5.3 of the Association of College and Research Libraries' Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher 4. Education (see
4. To help you understand what logical fallacies are and why you should avoid them in your academic writing.
5. To familiarize you with the USD College of Arts and Sciences plagiarism policy.
6. To explain what plagiarism is, why you should avoid it, and how to avoid it.
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