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Arthur Leslie Keith

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Contents List

Box 1


Ancient and Modern Notion of God

Introduction to DeAmicitia

Some Observations on Sophocles use of Imagery



Carleton College News Bulletin April 1921 v. 3 no. 7

Centennial Celebration Banquet in Commemoration of the One hundredth anniversary of Hellenic Independence 1930, Apr. 10



An Analogy Northfield, Minnesota

Antecedents of Greek Philosophy June 2, 1928 (2 copies)

Art and Religion 1932, July 31

Association of College Professors Address 1926, Nov. 24

The Case of Latin 1921

Centennial of the Liberation of Greece 1930, April 10

Character Types in Plautus Masters Thesis 1908, June 11

Cicero’s Laelius de Amieitia, Carlton College

Cicero’s Laelius de Amieitia, University of SD

The Dido Episode 1921, Jan. 17

The Economics of the Greeks

Genealogy and History

Genealogy and Patriotism 1940, Sept. 27

Greek Mythology, Philosophy, and Religion 1930, Feb. 2

Greek Religion in a Modern Democracy

Homer, Virgil and Milton In their uses of Images from Nature 1920, Dec.

Homer’s Women 1910, Feb. 7

The Imagery of Sophocles

The Message of Virgil 1930, Sept. 21

Notes, Untitled

Old World Art 1928, Mar. 3

Some Observations on Sophocles Use of Imagery

Virgil’s Aeneid Book I as an Aesthetic Opportunity

Virgil after Twenty Centuries 1929, Oct. 9

Virgil and the Soil

The Virgilian Celebration 1930, Sept. 17








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