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All of Us Research Program: Become a Registered Researcher

A guide to help you better understand the All of Us Research Program and how to use the Researcher Workbench to further your research.

Data Access Tiers

The All of Us Research Hub has a tiered data access model with three data tiers.

Public Tier

The Public Tier dataset contains only aggregate data with identifiers removed. These data are available to everyone through Data Snapshots and the Data Browser, an interactive tool on the Research Hub.

Registered Tier

The Registered Tier curated dataset contains individual-level data, available only to approved researchers on the Researcher Workbench. The Registered Tier currently includes data from electronic health records (EHRs), wearables, and surveys, as well as physical measurements taken at the time of participant enrollment.

Controlled Tier

In addition to the data in the Registered Tier, the Controlled Tier dataset contains genomic data in the form of whole genome sequencing (WGS) and genotyping arrays, previously suppressed demographic data fields from EHRs and surveys, and unshifted dates of events.

How to Get Access

There are 4 steps to gaining access to the Researcher Workbench and the All of Us dataset.

Step 1: Confirm Your Institution's Agreement.

USD has a Data Use and Registration Agreement in place. This gives USD students and faculty the highest level of data access (controlled tier) in the All of Us Database.

Step 2: Create an Account and verify Identity.

Create your researcher workbench account using this link. You will be asked to verify your identity through or If you experience technical issues or cannot verify your account, please reach out to the Help Desk team at

Step 3: Complete Mandatory Training.

The training focuses on conducting responsible and ethical research using the Researcher Workbench. This training should take 2-3 hours for researchers to gain access to the controlled tier dataset.

Step 4: Sign the Data User Code of Conduct.

The DUCC outlines the expectations of All of Us for researchers who use the Researcher Workbench and describes how program data may be used.

What are other researchers doing?

  • Research Projects Directory - This includes information about all projects that currently exist in the Researcher Workbench to help provide transparency about how the Workbench is being used.
  • Publications - This includes all publications that have been done using the All of Us dataset.
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