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RED Submission Instructions

Document Type is a dropdown field that allows you to specify the format of your work. Working Paper is the current default, so be sure to check the other categories to see if they should be used instead. If you select none, the paper will default to a Journal Article when submitted.

how to

Available Document Types

  • Book: an entire monograph or edited volume.
  • Book Chapter: a chapter from a monograph or edited volume.
  • Conference Paper: an article or paper submitted to an academic conference.
  • Government Publication: a publication from a government agency, department, or administrative office. 
  • Journal Article: an article published in a journal. 
  • Report: a document produced by a research center, for instance, proving information on a given topic. 
  • Review: a review of another work.
  • Working Paper: a preliminary article or paper that has not yet been published in a journal or other publication. 
  • Presentation: a presentation given at an academic conference, event, or other proceeding.
  • Technical Report: a document that describes the process, progress, or results of technical or scientific research.
  • Thesis or Dissertation: an essay involving personal research written by a candidate for a college or graduate degree.
  • Other: any type of work not specified above.
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