If we subscribe to a journal or have access to an ebook, you can link directly to the full text.
To link to the resource, you will need to create a persistent URL (PURL).
To provide access to subscribed content within D2L, users must be directed through USD’s proxy server (this allows students to access the resource off-campus).
This is done by affixing the following URL as a prefix to any stable or permanent URL:
Stable or permanent URLs are available from the database record. Different resources call them different names – refer to the following LibGuide for screenshots: Linking Directly to Resources; Individual Articles and Records
To add a PURL (persistent link) to your D2L course follow these steps:
Create a file in D2L and insert the PURL/stable url with the USD proxy server prefix in front. Do not leave any spaces between the two. Be sure to publish the document (Contact Course Reserves for help with creating a book, book chapter, journal, video or audio link.)