Welcome to Course Reserves at University Libraries!
We are excited to offer links to E-reserves in D2L to make access easier for students. Some faculty prefer to use Physical Reserves, which are still available at the library’s Circulation Desk. Faculty should let students know whether the reserve materials for their courses are available through D2L (E-Reserves) or at the library's Circulation Desk (Physical Reserves).
E-ReservesIn order to place an article or book chapter on Electronic Reserve, it must be available in the library's collection in either print or electronic format. If the library does not have access to a copy, we can discuss purchase with your liaison or look into purchasing copyright permissions. All electronic items are now accessed through D2L. Select the Information for Faculty tab above if you need to add materials to e-reserves.
Physical Reserves
Faculty members may place personal items on Physical Reserves if the item was legally purchased and is not a required textbook for the class. Interlibrary loan items, photocopies, advance copies, and free texts given by a publisher are not eligible for physical reserve.