Coyote One Stop gives you easy access to USD's Ask a Question, Help/Links, or Browse the Service Catalog and Knowledge Base
Knowledge Base articles about the Libraries can be found at
If you need to request an item that doesn't have full text available, scroll down the Discovery page to the "Find or Request" Section.
Click the USD/Law Illiad Link (Unless you are a Wegner Partner - use Wegner Illiad.) This link will take you to our Interlibrary loan request forms.
From there use your USD login to access the site. Once there the form should populate for you.
For more information about Interlibrary loan see
Please reset your password and make it a completely new password that you’ve never used before. And make it with only Upper Case and Lower Case letters and Numbers. For more help see
After you have changed your password please try to log into the Library research database again.
You may come across this error during searching. If so please, report it to the Access Help team.
To allow to be used in a starting point URL, your EZproxy administrator must first authorize the hostname of this URL in the config.txt file.
Within this database's section of config.txt, either the following line must be added:
or, alternatively, a RedirectSafe for this host or domain may be appropriate.
After editing config.txt, the EZproxy server must be restarted to make changes take effect.