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LibQUAL+ Survey: FAQs

This guide explains the purpose of the nationally-normed library survey.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is LibQUAL+ Survey?

LibQUAL+® Lite is a nationally-normed survey developed by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). Its purpose is to provide academic libraries with a standardized effective method to measure the quality of library services.

What can the University Libraries learn from the results?

  • How the USD community rates library services and collections
  • Priorities for improvements to meet teaching, learning, and research needs
  • How we compare to other participating libraries to determine best practices

Who can participate? 

USD students, faculty, staff and administration. (Please note: you must be  at least 18 years old to participate.)


Upon completing the survey, students who choose to enter their email address will be entered in a drawing to win a University Libraries stadium blanket.

How long does it take to complete the survey?

Less than 5 minutes

How is participant privacy maintained?

Email addresses are separated from responses when completed surveys are submitted. Student participant emails will only be used for a voluntary incentive drawing and will not be associated with survey responses.

Survey Dates    

Tuesday, March 21 through Saturday, April 8, 2023.

Survey results

The result and our plans to respond to them will be broadly distributed to the USD community once they have been analyzed.

Questions or problems about accessing or completing the survey?

Please contact Caroline Bates at


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