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RED Submission Instructions

​Before you begin uploading materials to USD RED, you will need to evaluate copyright permissions for your work(s). If you would like to add a paper which was previously published, there may be restrictions as to which version of the paper you may submit, an embargo period, or a publisher’s statement which must be included. Check with your publisher or the journal’s site to determine their repository policy.

Materials may be submitted in these  formats:

  • PDF
  • Microsoft Word
  • RTF

But many other formats are also allowed such as .ppt, MP4, etc.

The final document posted in USD RED will be in PDF format. For information on file formatting and conversion, consult the guide located at the bottom of this page. 

Please note that additional file types, such as .csv, are also supported. Contact the repository manager if you would like to set up a different file format.

Ready? Let's submit!

Go to the USD RED home page. In the toolbar on the left side of the page, find Submit Research, located under Author Corner. When you click on this button, you will be taken to a page which lists all of the current collections to which you may submit.

Click on the link that corresponds to your department, and log in with your valid USD account. Please select "Current USD users, sign in with your USD Email Address here.  Do not self register (see image below).

login image


After logging in, you should see the school, department, or center to which you are submitting. If your program or department is not listed on this page, please contact the RED library committee to set up a new collection.

The next sections will explain how to enter your information into the metadata fields. It may be helpful to have your paper or other material open while you fill in these fields.

Footer for USD LibGuide v2.0