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Library Resources for the USD - Sioux Falls: Wikipedia-a Source for Sources

This LibGuide is designed to help USD - SF students, faculty and staff locate and access library resources.

It's all about the sources

Reputable journals are indexed and found in library databases which you have access to by entering through the library website.

Items published in reputable journals have been reviewed by peers who are also experts in the field (peer-reviewed)

In contrast, contributions to Wikipedia can be anonymous and do not count for much in the current system of academic advancement

Wikipedia contributors have various levels of subject expertise- this includes those with NO expertise

Wikipedia may be a good starting point for research in emerging topics, but should only be consulted in conjunction with MANY additional authoritative resources


Wikipedia entries use scholarly sources. So if you know what to look for, Wikipedia can be used to find scholarly sources that you can use.


The source for this cited sentence can be located in the references section at the bottom of the page.


Now, you can look to see if the library subscribes to the International Journal of Higher Education, and access it through the library website.  

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