Partners may come to the Wegner Library to browse our collection and check out a book. Our physical collections include:
What is Interlibrary Loan?
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a system most libraries use to obtain materials (e.g., books and electronic articles) from another library on behalf of a library user because their "home" library does not own the book nor subscribe to the particular journal. This is a free service for our partner groups. Requested articles are delivered via e-mail (pdf format).
What is ILLiad?
ILLiad is the name of our ILL system. Library users need an ILLiad account in order to request items from interlibrary loan.
*Using ILL is a normal part of the research process. No one library can own everything ever printed, right? Do not be afraid to use it!
How do I Log in to ILLiad?
For Avera users, your ILLiad log in will be your firstname.lastname. Your password is the same as your remote access password. Need help? Email us at
Email to request individual or group instruction. Professional librarians provide guidance and instruction virtually, at the library, or onsite at any of the included Avera locations for:
The Wegner Library has meeting/study rooms that can be reserved by partner groups. Each room contains a computer with a large monitor.
Please call 605-357-1400 or stop by the main desk at the library to reserve a room. Food and drink are permitted throughout the library and in the conference and classrooms.
The Anatomage Table can be reserved* using the link found on the Anatomage LibGuide. The Anatomage Table is an anatomy visualization system that allows you to view, manipulate, and dissect a 3D cadaver in real-time.
*Available for use in the Wegner Health Sciences Library (classrooms, study rooms, or study spaces within the library).