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This guide will lead you through the process of downloading, installing, and setting up Endnote on your computer.

What is it?

EndNote Basic also know as EndNote Web, is an online citation manager that can be used on its own, or in conjunction with EndNote Desktop, which is a more robust application available for purchase. EndNote Web is free for anyone to use. For affiliates of USD, EndNote Web comes with a wider variety of bibliographic styles, as well as other features.

Everything you wanted to know (and then some) about EndNote Web can be found on their site:


Create an Account

Create an Account

  1. Login to EndNote Basic at
  2. Click  Sign Up for an Account.
  3. Enter the required information on the left hand side of the menu, including a Login Name and Password.
  4. Click  I Agree.

Using EndNote Basic from off-campus (Roaming Access)

In order to use EndNote Basic off-campus, you must first register and login from an IP authenticated workstation. This confirms that you are a valid USD user and initiates Roaming Access for twelve months. After twelve months, you are required to login again from an IP authenticated workstation to re-establish your affiliation with USD and to restore access to styles, filters and online connections.

If your account was set up at a different institution, contact ISI to change your affiliation to USD.

  1. Access Web of Knowledge (WOK) from a campus computer.
  2. Click Sign in in the horizontal menu at the top of the page and enter your EndNote Basic login and password. You will know you have signed in if you see "Signed In" in the horizontal menu at the top.
  3. Click EndNote on the top menu to   access your account.       This resets your roaming access for one year.
  4. Click the Options tab, then click Account Information to track your roaming access.

Build A Library

Build a Library

Importing Citations Electronically

From... ...into EndNote Basic
ISI Web of Knowledge (Web of Science)
  1. Select records.
  2. Click Send to:

Transferring References To/From EndNote Web (FAQS: EndNote Web - Import)

Other Article Databases

Import Formats (EndNote Web help)

Transferring References To/From EndNote Web (FAQS: EndNote Web - Import)

Google Scholar How can I import references from Google Scholar? (FAQS: EndNote Web - Import)
  1. Search your database and save desired citations as plain text ".txt" files.
  2. In EndNote Basic click Collect and Import References.
  3. Click Browse to select the import file.
  4. Select the file format or database/vendor from which you obtained the citations at the Filter: drop down menu.
    HINT: The vendor is the company from which we obtain the database and is usually prominent on the screen
    Example: Academic Search (database) has EBSCO as the vendor.
    OPTIONAL: If you cannot find the filter you need in the drop-down menu, click Customize this list to see all options.
  5. Click Import.
    All imported citations are imported to the Unfiled group.

Online Searching within EndNote Web

You can perform searches of ISI Web of KnowledgeSM products, PubMed, and many other library catalogs directly through EndNote Web.

  1. Click Collect at top of the screen.
  2. Select the desired resource from the Select database or library catalog connection drop-down list..
  3. Click Connect.
  4. Enter search terms in the search box(es).
    Optional: Select a field from the In: box.
  5. Click Search.
  6. Number of records retrieved will be displayed. Click Retrieve.
  7. Citations will be displayed on the screen. Click in the box to the left of desired citations or click on All or Page.
  8. Select the desired group from the Add to group drop down menu.

Manually creating a new reference

  1. Click Collect and New Reference.
  2. Select appropriate reference type from the Reference Type drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the information from your reference in the appropriate fields.
    Note optional fields further down the screen.
  4. Check the box for the desired group at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Click Save.

Organize Records

Organize Records

Creating groups in EndNote Basic

  1. Click the Organize tab.
  2. Click New Group under Manage My Groups.
  3. Name your group and click OK.

Putting references in groups

When records are imported into EndNote Basic they are placed in the Unfiled group by default.

  1. Click in the box to the left of desired records
    Click All or Page.
  2. Select the desired group from the Add to Group drop-down menu.
    All selected records will be moved to the group of your choice.

View/Edit Records

View/Edit Records

  1. Click title to view full record.
  2. Click FindIt to the right of screen for full-text availability.
  3. Click the right or left arrows to move between records.

Link to Full Text

Search Records

Create A Bibliography

Create a Bibliography

  1. Click Format tab at the top of the screen.
  2. Select desired group or All references in my library from the References: drop-down menu.
  3. Select desired output style from the Bibliographic style: drop-down menu.
    NOTE: If your desired output style is not listed in your favorites, click Select Favorites and add the style to My Favorites. If EndNote Basic does not have the output style you need, contact one of our campus EndNote/EndNote Basic consultants. We can upload an Endnote Desktop output style to our campus-wide EndNote Basic account.
  4. Select desired file format from the File format: drop-down menu.
    RTF (rich text file) is the appropriate file format for Word documents.
  5. Click Save, Email or Preview and Print as desired and follow on-screen directions.

Cite While You Write

Use the EndNote Basic Cite While You Write Plug-in to insert references, and format citations and bibliographies automatically while you write your papers in Word. To download plug-ins, log into the EndNote Basic site in a Web browser, click the Download Installers link at the bottom of any page.

Inserting cited references in your Word document

  1. With your Word document open, place the cursor in the location where the citation should appear.
  2. Select EndNote Web at the top of the screen (in some word processors it will appear under the Tools menu).
  3. Click Find Citations
    This tool searches your entire library (i.e., all reference fields for all references in all groups)
  4. Enter a search term in the Find Citations box to find the reference or references to insert.
  5. Click Search.
  6. Select the desired reference. To insert multiple references in one citation, click each reference while holding the Ctrl key.
  7. Click Insert.

The citation appears at the cursor location, formatted according to the bibliographic style specified. The reference information is also automatically added to the bibliography at the end of your manuscript.

Share Records

Share Records and Groups

You can share your folders with anyone who has an EndNote Basic account.

  1. Click Organize at the top of the screen.
  2. Click Manage My Groups
  3. Click Share Group to the right of the desired group.
  4. Enter the desired email address(es) for sharing.
  5. Click Apply.

Export Records

Exporting EndNote Basic records

  1. Click in the box to the left of desired records
    Click All or Page.
  2. Select Copy to Quick List.
  3. Click Format tab.
  4. Click Export References.
  5. Select Quick List from the References: drop down menu.
  6. Select EndNote Export from the Export Style drop down menu.
  7. Click Save and save the file with a .txt extension filename
    Example: myfile.txt

Transferring Records between EndNote Basic and EndNote Desktop

If you have EndNote X or above you can directly transfer records between Endnote Basic and EndNote Desktop with EndNote installed on your desktop. Transfers are initiated through EndNote Desktop.

In Endnote Desktop,

  1. From the Tools menu, select EndNote Web.
  2. Under “Web,” select the appropriate EndNote Web folder.
  3. Determine whether you are transferring references to or from your EndNote desktop library.
  4. Click Transfer to start transferring references.

When the process is completed, a message will tell you how many references were transferred.

EndNote X6 & X7: Transferring records from EndNote Basic to EndNote Desktop

Set up your preferences for EndNote X6/X7 syncing

  1. Go to EndNote and click on Edit/Preferences/Sync.
  2. Click Enable Sync.
  3. Fill in your e-mail and password.
  4. Under Sync Automatically, it is recommended that you do not check any of the options but use the Sync button when you want to sync.

The Sync button is located in EndNote along the top center of your library.

  • Click the Sync button to move all citations, pdfs, .doc, .jpg, etc. and any figures saved to both libraries.
  • Sync does not recognize Smart Groups or Combination Groups.
  • It is recommended that you use the same EndNote Desktop library as the syncing library.

Importing Records between EndNote Basic Libraries

  1. Follow the directions above for exporting records in EndNote Basic.
  2. Go to EndNote Basic and click Collect.
  3. Click Import References.
  4. Click Browse to select your exported EndNote Basic text file.
  5. Select EndNote Import from the Filter: drop down menu.
  6. Click Import. Records will be imported to the unfiled group.
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