EndNote Basic also know as EndNote Web, is an online citation manager that can be used on its own, or in conjunction with EndNote Desktop, which is a more robust application available for purchase. EndNote Web is free for anyone to use. For affiliates of USD, EndNote Web comes with a wider variety of bibliographic styles, as well as other features.
To see the differences between EndNote Web and EndNote Desktop, please see the comparison chart from EndNote.
Everything you wanted to know (and then some) about EndNote Web can be found on their site: http://www.myendnoteweb.com/help/en_us/ENW/help.htm
Create an Account
Using EndNote Basic from off-campus (Roaming Access)
In order to use EndNote Basic off-campus, you must first register and login from an IP authenticated workstation. This confirms that you are a valid USD user and initiates Roaming Access for twelve months. After twelve months, you are required to login again from an IP authenticated workstation to re-establish your affiliation with USD and to restore access to styles, filters and online connections.
If your account was set up at a different institution, contact ISI to change your affiliation to USD.
Build a Library
Importing Citations Electronically
From... | ...into EndNote Basic |
ISI Web of Knowledge (Web of Science) |
Transferring References To/From EndNote Web (FAQS: EndNote Web - Import) |
Other Article Databases |
Import Formats (EndNote Web help) Transferring References To/From EndNote Web (FAQS: EndNote Web - Import) |
Google Scholar | How can I import references from Google Scholar? (FAQS: EndNote Web - Import) |
Online Searching within EndNote Web
You can perform searches of ISI Web of KnowledgeSM products, PubMed, and many other library catalogs directly through EndNote Web.
Manually creating a new reference
Organize Records
Creating groups in EndNote Basic
Putting references in groups
When records are imported into EndNote Basic they are placed in the Unfiled group by default.
View/Edit Records
Link to Full text
Link to a Web site or PDF
Search Records and Groups
Quick Search
You can easily search your EndNote Basic library using the Quick Search feature. This tool searches your entire library - all fields for all references in all folders.
Create a Bibliography
Cite While You Write
Use the EndNote Basic Cite While You Write Plug-in to insert references, and format citations and bibliographies automatically while you write your papers in Word. To download plug-ins, log into the EndNote Basic site in a Web browser, click the Download Installers link at the bottom of any page.
Inserting cited references in your Word document
The citation appears at the cursor location, formatted according to the bibliographic style specified. The reference information is also automatically added to the bibliography at the end of your manuscript.
Share Records and Groups
You can share your folders with anyone who has an EndNote Basic account.
Exporting EndNote Basic records
Transferring Records between EndNote Basic and EndNote Desktop
If you have EndNote X or above you can directly transfer records between Endnote Basic and EndNote Desktop with EndNote installed on your desktop. Transfers are initiated through EndNote Desktop.
In Endnote Desktop,
When the process is completed, a message will tell you how many references were transferred.
EndNote X6 & X7: Transferring records from EndNote Basic to EndNote Desktop
Set up your preferences for EndNote X6/X7 syncing
The Sync button is located in EndNote along the top center of your library.
Importing Records between EndNote Basic Libraries