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This guide will lead you through the process of downloading, installing, and setting up Endnote on your computer.


Why would I want to create a bibliography?

  • On occasion, you may wish to create a bibliography independent of a document with citations. 
  • One way to do this is to copy formatted references from an EndNote library and paste them into a Microsoft Word document.

How to Create Bibliographies

Quick Steps: How to Create a Bibliography

  1. Highlight the desired records for your bibliography.
  2. Select desired output style from the drop-down Style menu.
  3. Click Edit, then Copy Formatted. A formatted bibliography of your desired records is copied to your clipboard.
  4. Go to your word processor and paste the formatted bibliography into your document.

How to create a:

Creating an APA formatted annotated bibliography

Help on getting started Examples and videos. 

The Abstract, Notes, and Research Notes Fields

The fields most frequently used in annotated bibliographies are the Abstract, Notes, and Research Notes fields. You may add any of these fields to a style to create a custom style for your annotated bibliography.

  • Abstract: Use this field to include an abstract of the reference material. When importing data from an online database, the abstract will be imported, if available.
  • Notes: Use this field for general notes about the reference material. When importing from an online database, data that does not belong in a predefined field, but which might be of interest, is imported into the Notes field. This information may include variations on author names, information on related materials, information on photographs included in the material, etc.
  • Research Notes: Use this field for your personal research notes and observations about the material. EndNote will never import data into the Research Notes field; it is reserved for your notes only. 

Modifying a Style to Create an Annotated Bibliography

For this example, we will modify the APA 7th style to include the Research Notes field. (This type of style would be useful if a professor requested an annotated bibliography with all your personal notes on the references you plan to use for a thesis or dissertation.) 

  1. From the Tools menu, select Output Styles, and then select Open Style Manager.
  2. Select the APA 7th (or the style of your choice) style, and then click the Edit button to open the style for editing.
  3. Select Layout from the options under the Bibliography heading and click in the text box under the "End each reference with" heading. Text or fields inserted into this section appear at the end of each reference in the bibliography.
  4. To insert the research notes on a new line after each reference: select End of Paragraph from the Insert Field list. This will ensure the contents of the Research Notes field will appear on a new line beneath the bibliographic data.
  5. There are options available for quick insertion on the Insert Field list, including the Abstract and Notes fields, but the Research Notes field we need is not on the list. The field can still be added by typing it in manually, being very careful the name is entered exactly as it shows in the Generic reference type. In this case, "Research Notes" without the quotation marks.
  6. (Optional) If you want an extra line break after the Research Notes, you can use the Insert Field list to add it at the end of the End each reference with text box.
  7. From the File menu, select Save As and give the style a new name, but keep the .ens extension.  Your new style will be saved in an \\EndNote\Styles folder in your documents folder. By storing your custom styles in your documents folder, EndNote ensures they will not be removed if you uninstall EndNote or install a new version of EndNote that might overwrite the program styles.

This is an example of the formatting you can use:Endnote Annotated

This is the link to EndNote documentation:

Navigate to page 252 to find info on how to set up annotated bibliographies.


Collaborative Writing Projects

Note: These procedures were originally developed by Jarrod Bogucki in fulfillment of the UW Madison SLIS Library Instruction Field Placement, Fall 2007. "EndNote" refers to the desktop version of EndNote.

I. When some, but not all, collaborators have EndNote

In EndNote

  1. Create an EndNote library for the manuscript.
  2. Add references cited by collaborators to the EndNote library by entering citation information manually or by searching an online database such as PubMed or Web of Science from within EndNote. To search Web of Knowledge from within EndNote, your campus must have a subscription to Web of Science AND you must search from a campus IP address.
    1. Click Online Search Mode, then Web of Science (ISI).
    2. Search for keywords in the title.
    3. Select correct citation from the results window.
    4. Click References, then click Copy References To and choose the appropriate library.

In Word

  1. Insert contributed sections into the manuscript.
  2. Insert in-text citations into the manuscript using EndNote.
  3. Format the document and bibliography with the EndNote tab function Update Citations and Bibliography.
  4. Save a copy of the manuscript.
  5. Remove the EndNote field codes from one copy of the manuscript using the EndNote tab function convert to Plain Text.
  6. Send the version of the manuscript with EndNote field codesremoved to collaborators to review. 
    Note: The EndNote library does not travel with this version of the manuscript.
  7. Receive revisions from contributors.
  8. Edit the version of the manuscript that contains EndNote field codes.
  9. Repeat steps 3-7 until manuscript is finalized.

II.  When all collaborators have EndNote

Option 1: Multiple EndNote libraries shared among collaborators

  1. Locate the EndNote library file.  NOTE: The file format will vary among EndNote editions.
  2. For EndNote X and later, save the library as a compressed library.
    • In EndNote, click on File, then Send To, then Compressed Library...
    • Save the file as libraryname.enlx.
  3. Transfer the appropriate file or files to the primary author using email, flash drive, or any other means of data storage. 
    Note: A paper can be sent either formatted or unformatted.
EndNote Version File(s) Illustration
X and higher compressed file (libraryname.enlx)  
7, 8, 9 file (libraryname.enl) and associated data folder (  

In EndNote

  1. Open all EndNote libraries associated with the manuscript.
  2. Set your EndNote Formatting Preference to Merge Duplicates in Bibliography. EndNote will automatically omits duplicate references from the bibliography. This is especially useful when citing references from multiple EndNote libraries in one paper. EndNote will not identify the records as duplicates unless you have this option set to merge duplicates.

In Word

  1. Edit the compiled manuscript using multiple EndNote libraries.

Option 2: EndNote Traveling Library

Each formatted citation in a Word document is saved with EndNote field codes that embed reference data in the document. The document contains a “Traveling Library” of references cited. To preserve access to the reference data, collaborators must share formatted versions of their manuscripts. Manuscript sections can be combined and reformatted in different output styles, but the combined document cannot be unformatted. Once a manuscript is unformatted, you must have the corresponding EndNote libraries open in order to reformat references.

The Traveling Library can be used to share references. References can be exported from a document into an existing or new EndNote Library.

  1. Send formatted manuscript to collaborator.

In Word

  1. Open the manuscript in Word
  2. In the EndNote tab, click Export to EndNote.

Exported references are renumbered and do not retain their original reference numbers. These numbers will not match the temporary citation numbers in the manuscript.

The default temporary citation format is:
{Author, Year #Record Number}

Beginning with EndNote X1, "#Record Number" can be replaced with "Pages". 
If all collaborators have EndNote X1 or above, and they agree to use {Author, Year Pages}, the Traveling Library feature can be used to create a project library whose references will match the temporary citation numbers in the manuscript.

Option 3: EndNote Web (

For scholarly research and writing, EndNote Web is intended to complement desktop EndNote. It is useful for storing references for eventual download to desktop EndNote as well as storing references from ISI Web of Knowledge searches. EndNote Web folders can be shared with collaborators. 

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