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University of Sioux Falls (USF) Nursing : Books, Journals, Guidelines, Calculators

Books & eBooks

Click here for a curated list of Nursing eBooks. Please note, this is not a complete list of what Wegner has available.

Search the catalog from the Wegner Library home page for more. 


To find out if Wegner Library has access to a specific journal, go to library home page, then click on "Journals" near the middle of the page under "One Search". Enter in title, partial title, or topic area. 

Or click on the following (very general search): 

Nursing Journals (Catalog)

Click on individual journal titles to view online access and availability. Pay special attention to the years covered. If there is no end date, we have access to the present, most currently published volume and issue. Look for USD & Wegner Partner Access. Use Wegner ILLIad (Interlibrary Loan) to request items the library does not subscribe to. How to use Interlibrary Loan or ILL:

You can also use Browzine to look for journals by topic: Click here for Nursing Journals (Browzine)

Critical Care Journals (Browzine)


How to Find Practice Guidelines in Subscription Databases

Use the following instructions to access guidelines after conducting a search on the specific condition of interest (e.g. asthma). 

PubMed- Under the article types section to the left of the results, click on "customize link", select Practice Guidelines, click "show", then click on the practice guideline option that displays under article types. 

CINAHL Complete - To the left of the results, click on "show more" under the data limiter publication dates slider, find the publication type box, select Practice Guidelines, and then click search. 

DynaMed - Select a specific monograph on the topic (e.g. asthma in adults and adolescents), scroll down to the topic outline on the left, and click on the Guidelines and Resources section. 

ClinicalKey- Select the Guidelines option to the left of the search results. 


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