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Biomedical Engineering


red lineAll databases offered by University Libraries.

​CINAHL is a primary database for nursing and allied health students and professionals.

Getting to CINAHL

PubMed is the National Library of Medicine’s web interface for searching the MEDLINE database as well as other related citations. MEDLINE contains citations and abstracts to the world’s literature in medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, public health, allied health, health administration, and the pre-clinical sciences. 

Getting to PubMed

  • Start from the Libraries home page
  • Scroll to the black bar ( Books & More | Databases | Journals/E-books | Research Guides | Interlibrary Loan)
  • Click on the Databases tab.  Then click A-Z Databases
  • When the A-Z databases page opens, click P
  • Click on PubMed

Use the videos below to help begin your search in PubMed, or check out our PubMed tutorial guide.  As always, contact your librarian to schedule an appointment for a one-on-one PubMed searching consultation.

CSDL delivers access to computing technology resources, covering topics such as IoT, data analytics, big data, artificial intelligence, cyber security, blockchain, cloud computing, machine learning, augmented reality, virtual reality, software engineering, DevOps, and more. Includes peer reviewed preprints and articles, and resources from magazines, periodicals, letters, and conferences.

Getting to CSDL

Broad coverage of high quality journals in many natural and social sciences, inclusion of meeting abstracts and pre-publication articles, and the ability to search full-text are among the special features of this resource.

Getting to ScienceDirect

  • Start from the Libraries home page
  • Scroll to the black bar ( Books & More | Databases | Journals/E-books | Research Guides | Interlibrary Loan)
  • Click on the Databases tab.  Then click A-Z Databases
  • When the A-Z databases page opens, click S
  • Click on ScienceDirect

Largest citation database in science, engineering, medicine and technology; also the social sciences, arts and humanities are represented.

Getting to Web of Science

  • Start from the Libraries home page
  • Scroll to the black bar ( Books & More | Databases | Journals/E-books | Research Guides | Interlibrary Loan)
  • Click on the Databases tab.  Then click A-Z Databases
  • When the A-Z databases page opens, click W
  • Click on Web of Science

When searching databases, take time to design your search strategy thoroughly. 

Focus on one concept at a time; list your main idea for concept #1 along with synonyms, abbreviations, and alternate spellings.  Everything in Concept 1 should use the OR boolean.  Do the same thing for your other concepts. 

Use the AND boolean to combine your concepts together. 

Using a Venn Diagram can be useful in your search strategy design:

Venn diagram  

Additional searching tips:

* (asterisk) - Most databases recognize this as a truncation tool.  Use it to truncate your word and search a variation of the words.  For example: biomechan* will search for biomechanics, biomechanical, biomechanically, etc.  

" " (quotations) - Most databases will search your words as a phrase when they are placed in quotation marks.  For example, a database will search for the words alcohol and addiction together when they are placed in quotations, like this "alcohol addiction".  If you search for alcohol addiction without the quotation marks, the database will search for the words alcohol and addiction, but they won't be next to each other.  In other words, the paper you find may be about alcohol in one paragraph and addiction [of any kind] in another paragraph.

Here's a video from B.D. Owens Library (Northwest Missouri State University) to help explain boolean operators, asterisks, and quotation marks:

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