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Citation Analysis

This guide covers resources for conducting citation analysis, finding impact factors and journal rankings. Useful for promotion and tenure.

Citation Analysis for a School, Department, or an Academic Unit

Measuring the Scholarly Impact of a School, Department, or an Academic Unit:

Follow the directions below on how to conduct citation analysis for a department or an academic unit.


Go to Web of Science and click on Advanced Search

To find all the articles published by a particular school or department, do a combined search for OG (Organization Name) and SG (Suborganization).

Here are a few examples:

To find articles published by the School of Business, or the Delzell School of Education, or the Sanford School of Medicine enter the following searches in the Advanced Search box:

  • OG= (UNIV S DAKOTA) AND SG=(Sch Business)
  • OG=(UNIV S DAKOTA) AND SG=(Delzell Sch Educ)
  • OG= (UNIV S DAKOTA) AND SG=(Sanford Sch Med)

You can search all or limit your search to desired years.

Note: To ensure that you are entering an Academic Unit’s abbreviated name (SG) correctly, first do a search for an author from that Unit and from the results, click on a record. Check the Addresses field to see how that Unit’s name is abbreviated and cut and paste it in your Advanced Search.

After running your search, click on Create Citation Report to view graphs for “Published Items in Each Year” and “Citations in Each Year”. The Citation Report also provides the h-index and average citations per item. The results can be sorted by Times Cited, Publication Year, First Author etc.

Caveats: The Citation Report only includes the correct citations to a unit's journal articles published in the journals covered by the Web of Science; variant-citations are not covered. It also does not include any other publications of the Unit including books, conference papers, patents, and other non-journal documents or articles from journals not covered by the Web of Science.


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