Subject Bibliography – This is a great way to produce a set of references with your annotations.
Select “All References” to get the full list of citations in your library.
Click on “Tools.”
Select “Subject Bibliography.”
Subject Field – Select “Keywords” to produce a topical subject bibliography, or “Author” to produce an author bibliography, etc.
Subject Terms – Select the terms you want to use to construct your bibliography.
You may select multiple terms to create multiple sections within your bibliography.
Click on “OK.”
Subject Bibliography – Use the “Output Style” pulldown to select a style.
Subject Bibliography – Use the other pulldowns to select the layout of the bibliography or to select additional terms.
Click on “Save” to finalize your selections and save the document.
Terms – Clicking on “Terms” will open the “Subject Terms” window.
Select the appropriate additional terms for your bibliography.
Click “OK.”
Subject Bibliography –Click on “Save” to finalize your selections and save the document.
This will open the “Save As” dialog box.
Select where you want the document saved.
Name your document.
Make sure you are saving your document as a Rich Text Format (.rtf) file.
Click “Save” when you are done.