FIrstSearch WorldCat is compatible with EndNote. Use the directions below to export references to EndNote.
To open WorldCat, visit the Library Homepage. Scroll down to the query box and Click on WorldCat@USD under the search button
Enter your search terms in the appropriate boxes.
As an example, I will search for Social Life Monkeys Apes.
You also have the option on the search results screen to limit the results based on material type.
Now, select the record(s) you are looking for by clicking on the article title.
Once you click on the title to see the additional details of it and you are sure of it, click on "Cite"
On the new screen, select your preferred citation style.
After, Click "Export to EndNote."
Once you click "Export to EndNote a file will downloaded for use in EndNote.
Open the file and EndNote will automatically add your reference to imported reference.
Your references are now added to your EndNote libray.
1. Select the link to WorldCat@USD from the library homepage:
2. Conduct your search:
3. Within the item record, select the link to "Cite/Export", and then the link to "Export to EndNote". You're done!