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Mount Marty Nurse Anesthesia : Home


Mount Marty University

This guide contains links to resources and services available to the Mount Marty Nurse Anestesia program faculty, staff, and students. 

Remote Access

Remote access enables users from our partner groups to access subscription databases from home or office. 

Students will receive remote access login information at or before orientation. 

Faculty and staff can request remote access using our Remote Access Request Form.

Remote access username and password will follow this format: 


Password: Mtmu+student I.D. number (No + sign) (case sensitive) 

The same username and password also work for Interlibrary Loan (ILL). 

Accessing Library Resources

Using your login is only required when you need to get into the full text of an eBook, article, or subscription database (e.g., CINAHL). There is no need to search for a login option for Wegner Library resources. Rather, when a login is necessary, the following page will appear:

login screen

Your login username will follow the following format: Regardless of what your actual email extension is, you will need to follow this format.  Note, this is NOT a new email address; it is for logging in to Wegner Library resources only. Your password is your chosen or assigned password when you received your remote access credentials.

If you need assistance with your password, please email Wegner Library.

If need remote access, you can find a link to the form in the left column of this page. 

Key Databases for Nurse Anestesia

Log in with your remote access username and password. 

Contact Us!


 Call us:  605-357-1400


Library Business Hours 

Monday - Thursday 8:00am -5:30pm

Friday 8:00am-5:00pm

  • Some badge-swipe entry available for student study. Check with your program or email us. 
  • Bring school/hospital I.D. badge.
  • Closed state and federal holidays & observances.

Exceptions to Regular Hours


APA Citation Style

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