Document Your Plan
Once you have created your data management plan, whether informally, or by creating a DMP, document your plan. Include your group's procedures for the following:
Remember to create plan for knowledge transfer. Think ahead to someone leaving the group, or when your project changes hands.
Principles applied to both data and metadata:
F - Findable
A - Accessible
I - Interoperable
R- Reusable
Having a data management plan is beneficial and in some cases required for scholarly research and publication. An effective DMP makes your published research easier to reuse and cite. When formulating a data plan consider three things:
2. File format
3. Persistent identifiers
Use descriptive and informative file names.
Choose file formats that will ensure long-term access.
Create metadata for every experiment or analysis run.
Handle sensitive data in an appropriate manner.
De-identify data of PID, think about HIPAA compliance.