Please Note: Any book requests must be picked-up at the Wegner Health Sciences Library at 1400 W. 22nd St., Ste. 100, Sioux Falls, SD 57105. University Libraries will scan up to three book chapters and no more than ten percent of a single book for an individual patron.
Use the "Forgot Password?" button to receive an email to reset your password. You may contact us if you forget your username for your account.
Call us: 605-357-1400
Library Business Hours
Monday - Thursday 8:00am -5:30pm
Friday 8:00am-5:00pm
(1) To access Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) start at the Wegner Library Homepage, scroll to Library Quick links, and click on the ILLiad link.
(2) The Welcome to ILLIad (Interlibrary loan) page will appear. Use your username and password to log in.
(3) To request a book, click on the book button under new request.
(4) To request a book chapter, click on the book chapter button under new request.