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AMA Citation Style

News Publications

Author, AA. Article title. Newspaper Title. Month DD, YYYY:Page numbers. Accessed Month DD, YYYY (if applicable). URL (if applicable)


  1. Tevlin J. Minneapolis street doctor dispenses care with a dose of dignity. Minneapolis Star Tribune. January 23, 2016. Accessed January 28, 2016.
  2. Schencker L. Peanut allergy relief? Chicago Tribune. September 22, 2019:C1.
  3. Narula SK. WHO has only declared three public health emergencies in its history--Zika virus just became the fourth. Quartz blog. February 1, 2016. Accessed August 16, 2016.


  • Newspaper names are not abbreviated
  • If a city name is not part of the official name of the newspaper, it may be added for clarity (such as Minneapolis above)
  • Shortened versions of web addresses may be used as long as they work properly

Theses and Dissertations

Author, AA. Title. Type of publication. University; Year. Accessed Month DD, YYYY (if applicable). URL (if applicable)

  1. Maiti N. Association Between Bullying Behaviors, Health Characteristics, and Injuries Among Adolescents in the United States. Dissertation. Palo Alto University; 2010. Accessed March 4, 2024.
  2. Neel ST. A Cost-Minimization and Policy Analysis Comparing Immediate Sequential Cataract Surgery and Delayed Sequential Cataract Surgery From Payer, Patient, Physician, and Surgical Facility Perspectives in the United States. Master's thesis. London School of Economics and Political Science; 2013.


  • If the thesis has been published, it should be treated as a book.

Package Inserts

Medication. Type of document. Company; Year. Accessed Month DD, YYYY (if applicable). URL (if applicable)

  1. Zithromax. Prescribing information. Pfizer; 2017. Accessed June 23, 2019.
  2. Agilent. Package insert. Teva Pharmaceuticals Inc; 2014.



Host AA. Podcast Title. Episode Title. Month DD, YYYY. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

1. Nate. The Show About Science. Butterflies with Doug Taron. October 11, 2016. Accessed January 10, 2019.

Social Media


User Name/Organizational page name. Post description. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

  1. Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Facebook page. #RotatorCuff tears are among the most common shoulder injuries, particularly in individuals who engage in activities that require repetitive arm motions. Discover the possible treatment options for a torn rotator cuff: Accessed March 4, 2019.


Author AA. Title of post. Title of Blog. Month DD, YYYY. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

  1. Gray T. Advice after mischief is like medicine after death. AMA Style Insider blog. February 11, 2019. Accessed March 10, 2019.


Username YouTube page. Title of video (if specific video). Month DD, YYYY (if specific video). Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

  1. Khan Academy health and medicine YouTube page. Accessed February 10, 2016.

X (formerly Twitter)

X Handle. Text of post. Month DD, YYYY. Accessed Month DD, YYYY. URL

  1. @AMAManual. Double negatives can be used to express a positive, but this yields a weaker affirmative than the simpler positive and may be confusing. "Our results are not inconsistent with the prior hypothesis." "That won't do you no good." And the classic: "I can't get no satisfaction." March 7, 2019. Accessed March 10, 2019.

More Reference Examples

For more examples of references such as government or agency reports, serial publications, special collections, patents, conference proceedings online or webinars, meeting presentations, materials accepted for publication but not yet published, materials submitted for publication but not yet accepted, personal communications, classical references, videos, apps and games, transcripts, entire websites, software, entire databases, email listserv messages, news releases, court cases, congressional hearings, bills or statutes, and more, visit the full manual.

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