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AMA Citation Style

What's New in the 11th Edition?

A quick overview of the changes to the 11th edition can be found in the Preface of the Manual or in this article.

Notable changes include:

  • Location of the publisher for books, reports, drugs, equipment, and devices is no longer required
  • DOIs should be included when available
  • Periods should not be included after DOIs and URLs to assist with proper linking
  • The singular they is permitted in certain cases
  • Several updates on hyphenation usage for specific terms
  • Changes on how temperatures should be written

Capitalization Tips

  • In general, capitalize all major words. Do not capitalize the, an, a, in, for, or but, unless the word begins the title.
  • For Book Chapter Titles and Journal Article Titles, capitalize only the first word.


The AMA manual does not provide specific guidance on how to format a title page, fonts, margins, or spacing for an assignment. You should consult your professor based on the specific assignment.

The manual goes into great detail about how to format a manuscript for publication in a medical journal including terms, hyphenation, nomenclature, hyphenation, units of measure, and more. Please consult the full manual for details.

Website Features

Style Quizzes and their answer keys can be found on the Manual of Style's website as well as an SI Conversion Calculator.

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