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Digital Scholarship & Research Services: Resources & Tools

A Sampling of Open Data Repositories

Open Educational Resources (OER)

  • LibreText: based out of UC Davis, LibreText was recently given a $5 million grant from the Department of Education to further develop their STEM open textbook project. They provide access to hundreds of textbooks and courses, mostly in the sciences and social sciences.
  • OASIS: an OER search tool with full textbooks, modules, homework sets, A/V materials and more. If you're not ready to commit to a complete course redesign, and instead want to begin using smaller pieces of open content, OASIS is a great search tool to use.
  • Open Textbook Library: faculty-reviewed, openly licensed college textbooks. This tool is best for instructors looking to find full textbooks for use in a quarter or semester course.
  • OpenStax: a non-profit organization based out of Rice University, OpenStax provides access to full textbooks, plus ancillary material, primarily for undergraduate courses.
  • Project Gutenberg: contains thousands of public domain literary works, primarily published prior to 1924.
  • Wikibooks: managed by the Wikimedia Foundation, this platform contains thousands of open textbooks across all subject areas.

Digital Scholarship and Data Tools

Metadata Creation Tools

Digital Scholarship Tools for the Health and Natural Sciences

Free Health Sciences Tools

Tool Indexes


Data Viz

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