Please take advantage of the library's many services! We are available to provide instruction, either in group or individual formats, on a variety of topics, such as: searching databases, finding resources in the library, critically appraising the literature, evidence-based medicine concepts and tools, and using EndNote.
Foundational biomedical sciences are integrated into two foundations courses and eight organ system blocks with limited lectures, early clinical exposure, case-based small groups and simulation.
The final 17 months include surgery subspecialties, sub-internships, emergency medicine and rural family medicine. Students also have generous opportunities for electives, research, out-of-state and global experiences.
Can't locate your article online?
Use the button available from most databases to locate the entire article online in another electronic database.
If your article is not available in print or via another research database, request it using interlibrary loan (ILL). Your username and password for interlibrary loan are the same as your USD login and password. You may create your own username and password for Wegner Library ILL.
Library Home Page:
Wegner Library Home Page: Sioux Falls (Health & Medicine only)
University Libraries - Vermillion
Wegner Library - Sioux Falls
Library Business Hours
Monday - Thursday | 8 am - 5:30 pm |
Friday | 8 am - 5 pm |
*Medical students & medical residents have badge swipe access to the 2nd floor of the Wegner Library 24/7.
Stay up to date using the library blogs and social media; changes in service hours, weather closures, new resources, events, or technical issues.