IBISWorld is a comprehensive industry-market research database which covers every US industry with a 5-digit NAICS code. IBISWorld offers also similarly detailed research on selected industries in China and worldwide.
Reports average 25-30 pages and contain key statistics, market characteristics, segmentation, industry conditions, industry performance, key competitors, key factors, and industry outlook.
Industry research reports fall into three steadily growing collections:
Using this link to the library databases, click “I” to go to database names starting with I. Alternatively, search for “IBISWorld” under the databases search bar.
Keyword Search: Search across the entire database. Enter keyword(s) in the search box in the center on the Home page or at any time in the Search box located in the top right corner of every page.
Browse Reports: On the top banner, select Industry Research and then select a collection: China, Global or US. Further browse to industry report of your interest.
Viewing and Refining the Results: With a report selected, use left navigation to easily browse report’s sections. Also, use the Search box at top in left navigation to use a keyword search within the report.
Tip: To return to Homepage, click IBISWorld logo at top left on every page.
Downloading Reports: With the report opened, click the Download on the right-hand side of the page and select PDF or Excel format.
Charts: All charts and graphs in the reports are interactive which offers a better visual presentation of relations between various data points over time. Also, you can easily select and deselect parameters to create different view for data presentation.
Exporting and viewing chart: Below the chart, there is an option to VIEW the data table, or DOWNLOAD PNG, or CSV.
Cite: Referencing IBISWorld Fast Food Restaurants in the US using APA 7th style.
Format: Author, A. A. (Year, Month). Report name (Report Number). Publisher.
Example: Ristoff, J. (2024, April). Fast Food Restaurants in the US (IBISWorld Industry Report US 722221A). IBISWorld. https://www.ibisworld.com
See more on Citation Style Guidelines.