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Business Databases

What is Morningstar Investment Center?

Previously known as Morningstar Investment Research Center, the Morningstar Investing Center offers in-depth research on stocks, mutual funds, exchange trade funds (EFTs), 529 plans, credit, and investment insights.

How to access Morningstar Investing Center

Using this link to the library databases, click “M” to go to database names starting with the letter M. Alternatively, search for “Morningstar Investment Research Center” under the databases search bar.

How to use Morningstar Investing Center

On the homepage, you will find:

  1. Different graphs on the state of the market
  2. Over on the right-hand side - different articles
  3. Search bar at the top to look for specific information
  4. Over on the left-hand side – different topics, tools and resources

To learn the basics of various financial topics,

Go to “Investing Classroom”. Choose a course to learn. Every course has different levels depending on your knowledge in the area chosen.

If you are unsure what course you are interested in, click “Get recommendations”. Answer a couple of questions to get some classes that meet your interest and skill level.

If you are not interested in Investing Classroom,

Go to “Morningstar Research”. Here, you can access different articles and videos on the different topics including stocks, mutual funds, EFTs, and 529 plans.

Explore the tools in the database – “Screen” to do a more filtered search, “Compare” to analyze two or more different products, visualize securities performance using “Chart”.


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