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Medical Education: Pillar 3

Resources for Sanford School of Medicine, The University of South Dakota medical students and residents.

Residency Prep


There are a number of databases available to medical students through USD.  Please browse through the available databases, filter by health/medicine, or use the quick links below:

Third and Fourth Years

  • Rural Family Medicine
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Surg Specialties (2 of 6)
    Two weeks each of two of the following rotations: Anesthesiology, ENT, Neurological Surgery, Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Urology
  • One of the following: FAMP 803, MEDC 806, PEDS 806, PTRY 815, SURG 806

Writing and Submitting Case Reports (Free Submission Options)

USD Libraries' subscription to BMJ Case Reports includes a Fellow Membership which allows our students, faculty, residents, and staff to submit case reports to BMJ at no charge/fee. Contact a Health Sciences/Medical Librarian or Wegner Library for the code needed when ready to submit. 

Additional Resources

Library Resources for Pillar 3 Students

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